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Jesus are they all this stupid???


Fraud squad

Guy got caught speeding , new owner of the car is going to say he was driving

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It just continues to stagger me how daft some people are

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If anyone ever bumps into me ask me about a chap I used to share a house with. After living with him for 12 months he'd acquired the alias of Britain's dumbest criminal. Took daftness to a whole new level


Smart move lol

Think a old school friend might have beaten him as far as stupidness goes

He thought it would be funny to nick a robin reliant [emoji57]

Drove it all of 30yrds , mounted the kerb, wedged it between a lamppost and a wall ......

Police found him 20mins later still in the robin clawing at the windows as he couldn't move the car or open the doors [emoji23]

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Hahaha, brilliant, saw that yesterday matt, then went to pub ?

Also saw that chap in the news that tried to smash the window of the mrec with a brick and the rebound ko'd him


Well I won't label all SIOC member's stupid I know a few and I don't have issues with the club or it's members. But thats exactly what I hate about facebook, and what I meant about it allowed idiots access to the internet on a whole new level of stupid. Facebook is the easiest way for anyone who wants to find out anything about people. It's like on the news they could see where and how quickly that dress fiasco was being talked about around the world it even highlighted as it was being spoken about in real time just sped up. And that was about a !Removed! dress. I'd be surprised if it's not being monitored, nearly every arrest I've seen in the news of late has been to do with some sort of unsocial media post of some fool bragging or posting some crap. But just show's you it only takes a few people to give a place a bad name. :(


I'm not sure mate I've not joined them I'm not a huge Facebook fan for the reason above [emoji106] I left a whole bunch of subaru groups the other week just because my personal opinion is most of them are full of idiot's I had made a rant post up about one group but removed it as I felt wasn't right to advertise it and for me to do it with the look on the club. But basically it's called subaru sale's and help page. But I'd not seen anything on it that was helpful. It was like scooby.net but without any helpful threads and one bloke with his band of merry men just having ago at other people's car's. If it was the wrong colour had stickers or anything they didn't like. [emoji35] I'm maybe on four page's now to do with subaru one being our own. One being the local subau community. Which I nearly left after I had pointed out to one chap he shouldn't really use oiled filter's to which point the guy giving him advice was trying to be a clever !Removed! and trying to drag me into an argument I believe normally I'd deal with this with sarcastic comments and later on torture until death [emoji6] but he was a mutual friend of someone I know and he's alright so to keep the peace just dealt with it nicely. But he still had a few more pop's at trying to draw me in. Even though he is the admin also of this group I think he'd have just kicked me anyway lol. Not that it's used a lot but I do post the local meets on it. [emoji3]


i tend give advice mostly based on experience , some of its useful but some of it's a bit of a ramble lol.

Either way if someone else disagrees or offers another opinion I tend to ask a few questions and hopefully learn something new .

I just can't stick keyboard warriors who wait for somebody to offer advice or put up pic's of their pride n joy and try to rip them to bits .

I know what i like in a car but Each to their own with car modding imo

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i tend give advice mostly based on experience , some of its useful but some of it's a bit of a ramble lol.

Either way if someone else disagrees or offers another opinion I tend to ask a few questions and hopefully learn something new .

I just can't stick keyboard warriors who wait for somebody to offer advice or put up pic's of their pride n joy and try to rip them to bits .

I know what i like in a car but Each to their own with car modding imo

Exactly mate I know everyone has different idea on what to do with cars I'd rather appreciate their view and get on with mine even if it's not what I would necessarily do to mine but then I'd do stuff that doesn't go with their taste. But twice on facebook I've tried to offer some sort of help and had it thrown back in my face so I just thought fack it I'll just keep a few of the ok ones or ones that have a purpose to me and won't offer any help they can find us with a google search then I'll direct them to you Savage  :lol:


I get fed up of " look at my **** sticker and tax disc "

Oh I can see matt will be using the rant thread later  :lol: ..... (Pop's Popcorn in the microwave) 


Classic,i am not surprised though............


Tbh and Gambit knows via a pm a while back,this forum is one of the friendliest along with POCUK which is pajeros. Made welcome,not shot down with questions and responses are polite etc.


I like it here :)   but my knowledge and mods wise is limited,however in time it will grow. I am restricted with family responsibility now being 40...............Just a few years back,if i had bought a subaru instead of a mitsi,i would have been able to add many threads of mods. Just this time it may take a while :( ...........all in good time  :P


Face ache i avoid like the plague,i dont mind posting stuff,even if i look a plonker,but not on social media crap.........


Trouble is face ache can damage good car forums,due to instant answers ...........however many "not in the know" replies seem to happen in abundance(been told as dont go on) Quick Q and cheers see you later............


Least on forums you build up friends/relation ships(well you know what i mean :P ) with other members B)



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