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Soooo we all love movies, and we all love Scoobies ;) i reckon we should get as many people as we can and convoy to a cinema of choosing and all watch fast and furious 7, like the family that we all are :)

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I know a few in Lincoln doing it but they're going on day of release which I think is crazy but I like the idea [emoji106]


Haha. Went to lotr opening night, loads of geeks dressed as wizards and elves,

Good idea mate however me and cinemas don't really mix must go about once every 10 years


Haha. Went to lotr opening night, loads of geeks dressed as wizards and elves,

Good idea mate however me and cinemas don't really mix must go about once every 10 years


not surprised if you go to the Shire every time - Bag End multiplex is rubbish, you need to find your local VUE  :D


Haha my hobbit feet give the game away although there's a cinema in town with sofas and beer on draught that sounds like somewhere I could spend time in


Me and the misses are going on the Friday night to Cleethorpes I think be cool to see some better cars parked outside. Normally the Saxo drivers and the 1.3 club.


I make Films and Website for people

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I'd have been up for this but sounds like I'm the only one haha! I agree seeing it in first week would be a crazy move though.


haha this is true :( shame though, ive got an unlimited card so its not so bad booking wise but i still reckon it will be busy. if not we can go a few weeks after and rally the told troops


If we doing a club thing I might be up for seeing it again haha


I make Films and Website for people

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Well sorted a meet on the 14th at the new Inn again will get it all posted later. But yeah might be worth doing :) if got enough interest I'd be tempted to ask if we could have that front car park or some spaces set out for us to use like a private carpark thing for it :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the film is amazing best bit is the impreza hatch haha


I make Films and Website for people

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I see it had mixed review loads of crits said it was !Removed!. Said if you gave a 12 year old kid £125 million to make a car move this would be the results. Now I'm not a huge fan of strathon after watching Transporter 3 that film destroyed his career for me, so how he made it in the FF franchise I'll never know but that does put me off watching the movie. The rest looks pure cheese but I guess that's the way it's been heading for sometime. I do wonder if Paul Walker hadn't been killed how big a flop/success it would have been.


And and just to add this the "If speed kills me don't cry because I was smiling" was not a quote at anytime said by Paul Walker

Now I like the quote but get's me mad that it's thrown around like he had said it :D 


yeah, it was pretty cheesey and nothing about racing or cars really! 


few modded motors at the end but you didnt see much about them, it was trying too hard to bring the 3rd one into line, when they showed u the lad from it who is 10 years older (and aged badly) it doesnt line up!


then vin diesel is treated like some kind of special agent like XXX 



i got excited when they went back to race wars, thought might be a good time to bring jessie / other lad who had the skyline, hector etc , the silly little rapper who had the integra but felt like "oh this is racewars bla bla" next scene of random shooting car crashes


i went to the double bill the Thursday just before its release, its worth a watch just for the insane crazy stunts and you also get to look at the new veyron or however its spelt lol.


I was disappointed heavily with a few things, no do not read on if you havent seen it as these are spoilers.



Doms race against DK, why for the love of god wasnt this in, i was looking forward to this part since i saw it at the end of Tokyo drift, The rock well, he was a great rival to Dom in 5-6 but is now over used and is basically useless in this one other than weilding the biggest gun there, The cars, very tamed down, no F&F roots here can see the new director taking it in a different direction, Statham, typical baddy that wasnt used to the best at all, a few good chase scenes using him but thats it and hes rumored to be the main baddy in the next one.


For me if they are going to continue up to Ten like they say they need to start again with a new group now, and go back to its roots.


I liked it but I get what people are saying about it getting silly and going to far into action and not about cars anymore.

But it's what I expected and enjoyed it because of that.


I make Films and Website for people

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