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I know that the Impreza's run poorly with a atmospheric dump valve (HKS SSQ for example), however has anyone upgraded to an aftermarket recirculation valve? If so did the car run ok and what brand did you go for?


I am intending on increasing the performance on my WRX (Cat-back exhaust, remap and potentially Cobb induction kit).






i run a HKS SSQV on mine, no issues this end. i ran one on my bugeye before it was remapped and that was fine as well.


If after performance throw the valve in the bin.

Open venting is nothing but a noise mod with downsides.


thats actually not true, i was told by the jolly green monster that if you're running over certain power that they are advisable, whether its vent to atmosphere or an upgraded recirc, this is due to the increase in boost pressure. they also make gear shifts smoother.

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With MAF sensor you far better sticking with recirc, if you datalog a non recirc they normally always have some issues with fuelling being less than perfect directly after opening period, in worst cases you get hesitation, combination of some valves & MAFs being worse.


tbh I have never had any issues, it's all scaremongering from big companies etc, I've had 6 turbo cars all with dump valves and had no issues, one was running better after fitting a dump valve and the turbo wasn't having to work as hard, my mates are the exact same all run dv except one who has a focus st which runs an uprated recirc. I've spoken to Duncan and jolly green who all recommend dv and state that long term they are better for your engine. But as I state it's just what I've been told and learnt, you may have a different experience


Thanks for the help guys. My car is going into Subary4You on Saturday so i will ask them which one to go for. I have been looking at the turbo Smart Hybrid.


tbh I have never had any issues, it's all scaremongering from big companies etc, I've had 6 turbo cars all with dump valves and had no issues, one was running better after fitting a dump valve and the turbo wasn't having to work as hard, my mates are the exact same all run dv except one who has a focus st which runs an uprated recirc. I've spoken to Duncan and jolly green who all recommend dv and state that long term they are better for your engine. But as I state it's just what I've been told and learnt, you may have a different experience

Nothing scaremongering about it, recirc on maf systems keeps measured air & fuelling far better during change than an atmospheric. Everyone likes the 'woosh' & tuners happy take your $ Some atmospheric valves are less problematic & certain MAF systems more sensitive to atmospherics so results vary.


Thanks for the help guys. My car is going into Subary4You on Saturday so i will ask them which one to go for. I have been looking at the Turbo Smart Hybrid.



just get the intercooler adapter, mine was off a EVO6 when i put it on scoob lol


i got mine off eBay, mine is a genuine HKS that they made for the classics, these appear every now and again and are like rocking horse, i fitted a generic one when i had one on my skyline and worked exactly the same, just have to circlip the adapter to the DV

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Don't run any on mine. Lol and love the waste gate chatter ;) sounds good @ 1.5 bar of boost :)

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my last blob had a forge VTA dump valve, it always had a hesitation after a gear change, even when mapped for it


new blob has a std recirc and runs loads smoother.


I would fit an uprated recirc, but I would never fit another VTA, if I bought a car with one fitted I'd take it off and bin it

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Got vta on both mine no issue's at all. I think it depends if the car's engine get on with one more to do with luck than judgment. If you want one try it if the car feels worse time to take it off again and stick with oem. As said they have no real use for power gains on standard engine's. But I just like the fact it makes a noise don't really hear mine that much though unless under a fair bit of load.


Yeah they work well too. I find with these you can control them better so tend to work better if the engine doesn't like them but can be almost fully closed so only goes off on boost.


Yeah not cheap at all :D shame Brock had his forsale not that long ago. But I know he's sold it now. 


I was advised on the weekend that this is just a myth that all dump valves causes Subaru's to run poor. It appears its just certain brands and I was advised to get either a Baileys or HKS SSQV.


Not at all I tried a cheap £30 job for about 3 weeks before getting the baileys made no difference apart from the noise. I then swapped it to the blobeye again no problem so got another bailey for that. It's like a lot of things with Subaru especially the Impreza it has a few more snobbish owners. Like if you have graphics on your car or a body kit if it's STI or WRX yep even that has now come a pick on people point. Never known anything like it in almost 10 years :( dump valves are the same and possibly was one of the first things the Subaru community liked to pick fault with. So lot's of people will say don't put one on it makes the car run bad, it does this it does that. IMHO 90% Bullshit 10% truth 


It's like Bandit on here had a problem car wasn't running right. I asked him if he had a DV on the car he said he did and not long fitted it HKS SSQV one, I told him to take it off put the stock back on and see how it goes. Came up to me last year at Japfest and thanked me said once he had swapped it over was running great again, he was gutted he couldn't have one on the car but it's just the way it goes with the car. had the baileys on the bug about 3 years now I think and about same with the blobeye still run just as well. other than a tisssh type noise when changing but it's not overly loud to me unless giving it some, more flutters at lower revs. And I'm not rich enough to have a car that I can have to turbo flutter so closest I can get so the dump valve stays. To be fair I'm starting to like doing things to my car that the snobbish people disagree with I've even been tempted to put WRC stickers on again   :D Just because I can lol. But anyway for me the HKS is by far the best sounding just a lot more than the baileys for the same results really was my final decision to which one I got.  

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I dont think the snobbish attitude is just with Subaru owners, as I have similar issues with Imp owners just because i have highly modified mine. I guess its "each to their own" and if it makes you happy then so what!


Main reason i am going for the HKS is I have owned one on a previous car (not a scoob) and it was perfect.

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Exactly mate my philosophy :) just because someone does something not to my taste I don't feel the need to make a deal of it. Just a simple not to my taste is good enough. And I was mainly aiming at the Imp owners :D just trying to be nice about it lol :) 

And I think the HKS is the best one on the market without a doubt and love that it has the filters to change the sounds too :) 

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