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Help .....

So I bought my car drove perfect the day I bought it.

Next day the car started fine ticked over normal  drove the car fine until I  tryed to go over 3000rpm  bad hesitation loss of power so I kept it under 3000rpm  and I got it home.

Left it till the next day drove perfect for 60  mile but started to hesitate  at 3000rpm  rpm so again I got it home.


I have disconnected  all the air hoses and refitted  them 

Removed and cleaned the maf 


Car still runs badly! !!!



Wot next ???


If it's a classic you can perform a ecu diagnostic check for any fault codes if they've popped up. I'll add the link to the guide soon

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Where did you buy it from? Any notes from prev owners? If from somewhere like eBay I heard in a situation like this it's better than buying from classifieds like gumtree.

Can try disconnecting - of Battery for an hour then starting it with nothing on , not steering/touching anything to let it 'learn'

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Sounds like my car when it had ringland failure. You a 2ltr tho so I would prob think it's your maf try unplugging it then give it a run

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Well it just seamed to drive fine till about 3k and it just would just go flat like I had a massive boost leak or something

Sent from my Nokia 3310 using Tapatalk


I done a manual diagnostic  it's flashing  32 witch  is lambda or oxygen sensor  would any of these cause the car to hesitate  after 3k revs? ?


If it's misfiring, it could cause that code , the 02 sensor reading would be rich due to the unburnt fuel .

When was the last time the spark plugs were changed ?

As it could be a weak spark on 1 of the cylinders.


On a Nissan was sort of the same, on idle you could hear the fuel continuously being adjusted. Took 3 different cleaners to the maf to fix it, intake cleaners, electrical cleaners etc. Think what finally fixed it was taking off the maf, spraying it with Wynns EGR cleaner and letting it air dry.

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I think the code on that was one saying too lean even though it was rich (obd2) it kept trying to take fuel away but it maxed the tolerance and couldn't take enough away.

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Runs worse with maf unplugged... code is saying lambda  sensor...looks like previous  owner  had a problem with  it as the one on mine has been welded in for some reason 


Hmm not good sounds like you need a new lambda has it been moved atall or isit still in the stock location ?

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It's still in its same  location  I'm unsure  why it has been  welded in  possible  the previous  owner  messed the thread up and welded it I'm thinking about  changing that  section of  exauste  to save me cutting it  out 


Yea it still has a cat mate I had a closer look at the  lambda sensor tonight it's not welded in plus the wires  arenot  connected I duno why this is but I suspect that  this is  my problem 


Plug it in, see if it runs alright. If not, check wire colours are joined up where they need to be, if you need a wide band etc.

Then if still bad, try unplugging MAF with lambda plugged in

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Maybe check the plugs can tell a lot about the health i.e. Running rich could point more to a bad o2 sensor. Good luck mate took me ages to sort mine. 


Only reason I said to check wire colours is when I got mine the light was on, went to a garage to change it but turned out one of the previous owners changed it, the connector was the same but the wires were the other way round! So had to force the connector in upside down

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