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Hello guys, 

My car has developed a noise over the last 2 weeks and it is getting louder. When i first use the car i am getting a banging noise from the rear that will last a few minutes if i stay below 30mph and then it will totally disappear, or totally disappear if a go over 40mph. The noise is almost like having a big stone stuck in the tyre. Also noticed a slight scraping noise along with it tonight. 

Link to video (15 seconds in you can hear the noise): 


Initially i thought it might have something to do with the rear diff as i does sound like it is coming from the rear centre. So i took it into Scooby Clinic yesterday to have the rear diff oil changed, hoping it would cure the noise... But it didn't. Even though it could still be the diff i now have a feeling it is something else. 


If i can't suss it by the weekend ill just have it back into SC so they can have a look. Just like to see if anyone on here might have a clue before i have to do that?




Sounds like your cocking a shotgun lol





Sounds like the noise is in time with the rotation of the wheels .

Does it pull to 1 side when braking or if you release the steering wheel?

Could you drive with someone in the back to listen and locate excatly where the noise is coming from.


If it's coming from a wheel arch ....


Could be a sticky caliper , handbrake mechanism or bent splash guard.


Shock, top mount ,lateral link bush .


Wheel bearing or inner /outer c.v .

Are all worth checking for wear /play



If it coming from the center ...


Rear diff and diff mounts /bushes or prop uj .


Best of luck getting it sorted bud


  • Like 1

Get it back up to clinic for them to investigate. As said def rotational so could be wheel bearing or similar. Doesn't sound like rear shock nicking either.

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sounds like a sticky caliper or handbrake had a similar noise from the rear on mine after it was left sat for a few weeks without driving and after a few good drives with lots of braking it sorted itself out and is smooth again bit yours could be different but it does sound the same as what I had

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Sounds like the diff to me but could be a CV joint. Easiest option is to put it back into the garage. Let us know the outcome.


Sent from my HTC Desire 530 using Tapatalk



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Thanks all for the quick replies, really appreiciate it. 

Managed to finish work early today so i have just put the car up in the air. Im very wet....

No noise is coming from the diff, infact there is no noise at all. Do you think i can rule out the diff now or do you think the noise would only come when the weight is back on the ground?
Going to have a good check around everything else under there in a minute. Could do with taking the wheels off but it looks like i dont have a locking wheel nut key...  do'h 

Diff ,bearings and bushes wouldn't have any load on them with the car off the ground . So probably wouldn't show the same symptoms.


It might be worth checking wheel bearings and suspension for play while it's in the air .


Although knocking shocks and bushes don't make a rotational noise when worn themselves , if they have a lot of play they can cause the wheel to be out of alignment and cause tyre wear /rotating noise [emoji6]

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Just listening to that video through, when you reversed (similar speed to the forward motion, if you see what I mean), the noise disappeared ? If it was a rotational noise (bearing, driveshaft, brakes), I would have thought that it would be consistent whichever direction.

When the car was up on stands, did you run it up in gear ? If you have an assistant drive it up through the gears (not madly so), you can nose around it - assuming you've not done this.

  On 3/22/2017 at 4:33 PM, Rybo89 said:

Thanks all for the quick replies, really appreiciate it

Im very wet....


Pervert !

  On 3/22/2017 at 7:59 PM, Daz-RSK said:

Just listening to that video through, when you reversed (similar speed to the forward motion, if you see what I mean), the noise disappeared ? If it was a rotational noise (bearing, driveshaft, brakes), I would have thought that it would be consistent whichever direction.

When the car was up on stands, did you run it up in gear ? If you have an assistant drive it up through the gears (not madly so), you can nose around it - assuming you've not done this.


Hello mate,

I got my mrs to run it up to third then drop to neutral to see if i could hear anything. Didn't want her in there too long as i was imagining one of the jack stands collapsing and her flying off the drive lol.

I shouldnt be posting this yet as ill just jinx my self but i took it out late last night and no noise and this morning no noise. Only thing i did was remove the mudflaps and bend the metal the bracket fits to back into place. Thry was doing my head in anyway as i kept ripping them off when reversing up my drive.

Still cannot see how that could cause a knock on the back end for the first 2-3minutes of driving from a cold start. But ill take it for time being lol 

Fingers crossed.


Na they had about 1-2cm clearence. I have a lip on my front drive that keeps the stones in and they use to catch on that when reversing up it, resulted in them being ripped off the bracket.



Im not sure if i prefer wendesday or 4 sticks of celary

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