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What have you done to your Subaru today ?


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lol i play that alot but daren't push it too far as the mrs is useless at helping me get the car to somewhere safe when i do inevitably break down (she doesn't even know which way to turn the wheel etc)

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I had 200 showing at the half tank mark. Filled it up again though. The one time I have got the petrol low I thought my light was broken. As it didn't turn on till the gauge said nothing left

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Took mine for a country road blast last night. As some of you know I've been having minor problems with possible maf sensor trouble etc.

When I took it yesterday it pulled like an impreza should do and never missed a beat. Same today too.

!Removed! good fun owing it but it's frustrating at times too lol. See how long it lasts before it throws another tantrum at me

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It's annoying that people are getting great miles out of their tank lol. Think I need to find my misfire this week, how do you check if a coilpack is dodgy?

I know its terrible, my fuel light came on today and I'd only done 700miles on that tank, still I managed to get home from when the light came on, which was another 70 miles, car said I still had another 90 miles of range left.

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We'll i drove mine to Swansea yesterday and on the way back cross country it sounded like it was raining on my windscreen through one bit, but there was no rain. Thought nothing more of it. When I got home though the front number was black with bug guts, looks like I've a major cleaning operation to do now. Damn bugs!

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Went to the meet last night and on my way home I caught up with a corsa and fiesta in convoy, when the back car saw me behind he started to race his mate in traffic. I haven't seen driving as bad as that in years. 3 times they nearly hit cars coming the other way head on!!! I've downloaded a dash cam, but I haven't got a suction mount yet, shame

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One from yesterday....

Went to fill up at local tesco, came back to car from paying and got back in car. Within 5 seconds hear this beep. Look in mirror to see this fat ****** in vw gesturing me to move (he'd filled at pump behind). Gestured to him to use the designated space between lines of pumps to pass me. Clearly incapable of this he just waved his arms around. Naturally I took my time even more than I was going to in leaving.

You ignorant rude fat ****** I thought. That'll teach ya

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Theres some nobs about. I had a woman do something a bit like this to me, apart from we don't have enough space in between if there is cars parked at the other pumps. She drove around me to get to the pump that the car had left in front of me and then 2 cars used the pumps the other side which then left me with only choice, having to reverse back and go around another clear section to get out. :( 

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Good on you Dave, make impatient people wait around :P . Some people always seem to be in a rush these days!


Seems like you are on the opposite side of the story in a way Gambit, although she could have just waited for you to leave.

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Didn't get one, need to get a suction mount.

Blow :( been interesting to watch.


Yeah I rinsed my down the other day just as bad again and it's rained heavy for two days :( 

so mucky again :( 

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