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A Minimum Post Limit For Certain Part Of Forum



As the title says really, just about every forum ive been on/part of/viewed recently has these.


Driftworks for example you need to post a minimum of 30 posts before you can sell or buy on the forum.


Now i'm not really one to whine, but the latest car thats for sale, the seller has one post..... now i'm not saying everyone is bad that comes on to sell and most probably stay when they see how friendly we are etc.


I Just think it would stop the trolls and stop people A. being Time-wasted  B. allowing a little more trust.


The only cons I see from doing this are Spam, people constantly posting to bump up their count but I think this would be pretty obvious to spot.


now is it just me or ??




Yeah same here most forums don't let you post for sale until you've made a certain number of post. Although I do think you should be able to view the for sale section, just not post items until more established member of the community.


Good point ash

As I'd buy parts/cars from a regular user but would be more cautious from a unknown user .

my local forum only let's paid members (£10 per yr) advertise things for sale but ,any member can post or buy in the for sale section. I think it helps stop some con artists as at least the forum have a few more details from the users that cannot be seen by anyone logging in .

In saying that im glad it's free as imo there isn't much thats free in this world that's worth having :-D

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I think there should be a limit too, either 100 posts or so and minimum of 1 month of being a member to post in the for sale or wanted


also, people posting in the 'wanted' section, be careful of new members PM'ing you with 'exactly what you wanted'


I agree, a minimum post limit would be good for the "sale" section. It's on most car forums. Or they charge you to do so - which I hate! So please don't do that haha.

And/or maybe you could enforce a rule that a photo with your username in the pic must be included in the listing and delete the ones that don't follow that rule. Another forum I'm on has that rule and has one of the best and most trustworthy sale sections of any site I've ever used. You'd be surprised just what a difference that little rule makes. You know exactly what you're getting too since they have to post a pic.

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I agree with all the comments to be fair I wouldn't buy anything off here unless they had been on here for a while. But saying that I remember once along time ago I bought a Xbox360 game 2 infact off a member and never got a disc that is pretty important in playing them so I wouldn't trust some members on here either. Don't want to name anyone.... A! Ash ;)


But no all valid points I will have a word with the boss man tomorrow and see if we can get it looked at. And to be fair I did want part's of the forum locked unless you sign in as a registered member, but had a few members sign up and say they had been browsing the forum before signing up and how friendly it is with lot's of info they wanted to hi. So started to like the idea people come from a far to gaze at my profile picture :D


sorry new to this forum but do members like to look at the info and not post as thay do not feel confedent to do so does this make them  any less of a member of the forum ????


Good points, and were not about excluding anyone.

Most forums allow you to view the for sale but not post unless you have contributed to the forum. There's nothing to stop you contacting a seller via pm to purchase. Just that you are not allowed to sell stuff.

Bear in mind this isn't gum tree or eBay it's a community open to Subaru enthusiasts, imagine a pub with all your mates around the table and every five mins some stranger comes up to your table offering stuff for sale. I feel it's a bit cheeky to come on the forum with your first post as an item for sale.

It's the community that makes the forum what it is and an introduction to say hello at least wouldn't go amiss.

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I'm the same, I wouldn't buy something off someone with just the one post without some more proof of sorts, detailed photo's and all that. However I'm not one for banning or locking part of the forum, one of the pro's of this forum is its openness, if you see someone selling something it is up to the buyer to make sure the part is there, through pictures or a phone call to the person or something like that, we live in a society where the buyer assumes the risk. I think everyone on here is smart enough to check what they are buying and who off. One time I bought off someone who was relatively new (in another forum) and got them to advertise it on eBay so I could buy through there (I footed the fee's) but it made me more comfortable with the purchase.


And as 555wagon says lots of people view and don't post for various reasons. With my last car it took me a year to get 100 posts on a forum and that was just because I was learning lots from just reading, the tutorials to follow, my car didn't break, and I was unsure how people would react to a seemingly stupid question.


Ok bit confused as to what is being said at the minute with regards of excluding people and them being less of members :wacko: . But I've emailed Steve about the limited post's  just wait to hear back. 


imagine a pub with all your mates around the table and every five mins some stranger comes up to your table offering stuff for sale. I feel it's a bit cheeky to come on the forum with your first post as an item for sale.


You've obviously been drinking in upper class watering holes pete ! :-D

Some geezer tried to sell me some night vision goggles once in the pub !

Ah yes i'll have a pint of stella and some ex russian military hardware please ! Wtf

Do all the for sale sections work now ?

This is one of the friendliest forums ive been on don't think o've ever seen anyone trying to flame anyones post etc. But a trusted poster/seller scheme would be good

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I was going to say the same thing. I was in a pub and had some chinese women come up and try selling us all !Removed! DvD's  :huh: I couldn't believe it I was thinking I don't need !Removed! I don't walk around in leathers carrying a 12" !Removed! as a fashion statement  :ph34r:


Gambit im glad you reminded me haha cause i had totally forgot, you are now my priority  ;) .


For any newcomers reading these post, we are not trying to exclude anyone, and i think petes hit the nail on the head regarding Stranger danger. hope the gaffer agrees, tbh i think 30 is a good start or maybe just a probation period and as and when we can change the membership ?


Yeah spoke with the boss man it's being looked into :) 

And no worries I only remembered because I just happened to see the case at the side of me :D  


I'd just like to clarify, in no way do I want to limit the forum for people who don't post much. The entire forum should be open and viewable by anyone no matter how many posts.

People should be able to post in any part of the forum too no matter how much they've contributed before - except the "for sale" section. That is the only section I mean when talking about this.


I see the point of a minimum post theory and stranger danger. And I agree if someone's first post is in the for sale section it is a bit cheeky, but I also would want to be able to see what people have to offer. I feel I can take care of myself and decide whether to send someone my money especially with the eBay protection nowadays it is relatively safe. And if there is a minimum post as low as 30; people will jut go through build threads and photo's and comment saying nice car, and higher post counts will send more people to other forums where they can sell easier. I have yet to see any real issues in the for sale forum and no reason to change it, there have been a few instances where people have made that there only post but the first comment and usually the only comments are saying nice part and get involved more. Never seen interest as people are more sensible than that.


However this is just my opinion and I understand both sides of the story just trying to put both sides of the issue out there.  


I know a lot of people don't reply loads and just browse, but, on 2 other clubs I've been with, every member must have just liked to browse and they end up with no one posting and the forum goes stagnant.

one this that really annoys me is when I put a post up and then it gets 40 views and 1 reply, is it really that difficult to reply....


what about people that just search for info, is it hard to say 'that info was very helpful'??? or, 'that link was just what I was looking for'????


I've been either cautious or lucky enough to avoid any problems on forums but, I think it's important the buyer does his homework .

I certainly haven't seen anything to cause alarm on here well ,apart from a few of gambits pics, comments and links :-D

I think Stanton's idea about some sort of trader / liked post score might help with buyers confidence .

I didn't in any way mean we should exclude any body just because they don't post as much as they browse just that another forum uses a paid members area as a sort bonus for helping the club pay the bills.

I post on here cos it's the friendliest and most non judgemental forum I'm part of and the fact that it's free well that's a bonus

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For what it's worth (not much before someone quotes me) ;) I'd say this is a wait and see situation. Yes, one person has used the forum for their own self gain (ie simply to sell), but we don't seem to have a rash of such freeloaders. I'd be minded to gather opinion on this thread to build a suite of options, but to monitor for now. How about a poll of options offered thus far to be used to help decide in future if things deteriorate?

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk


So another person has joined up just to put something up for sale (although hopefully they join in in other areas). I agree with above, monitor and if the amount of people selling and not joining increases then we have a re think. Although I think the numbers will go up as the forum becomes more popular...  


Yeah we're just going to have to be patient with it for now while it's sorted I don't mind the eBay links to be fair as you can do it all through eBay with them. :)


On my old French forum!! Hold your giggles!! Lol

We used to have a user rating system where people gave feedback to a member they bought or sold too!! Seemed to work pretty well!!

I know Iam trustworthy but then everyone's gonna say that


I remember on my old french forum (serious) that you had to sign up for something else and other stuff before this rating system worked. I am not a fan of more passwords and usernames so would have to be something built into this website but I do agree it is a good idea. On a side note a sticky with peoples eBay usernames and uksoc usernames linked together as a way of registering for more established members? Just chucking ideas out

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