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Hi everyone!! new 330s problems already!!!


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the point about if it wiggled about and then works, it's down to the connection, so check it's prongs and fitment.


Hi Lee, I have just read through your thread on here, it would appear that there is a communication issue between the ecu and the CTS, Now judging by the fact that the ecu being moved the fault disappears indicates to me that there is a connection fault on the multi plug on he ecu or worst case scenario water ingression into the ecu plug.
My advice would be to unplug the ecu from the passenger foot well and check the resistance's on the wiring which heads back to the CTS. if this checks out ok it would be advised to check the pin connections on both the plug and the ecu for good connectivity.   There are no known issues with ECU failures to press but that doesn't mean it cant happen. But going by what your dealer has said by moving the wires etc the fault goes its a connectivity issue rather than an ecu fault. 
For information the ecu's were removed on the cars for reflashing so it could be that there has been either a wire broken/trapped etc or the pins misaligned causing future issues.
I have no service manual to hand on this laptop so cant tell you wiring colours and pin numbers at present. I can check this back at the workshop on Monday.
Hope this information assists.  Its back to basics really with the wiring and resistance checks and continuity to grounds
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the 330 has a different map to the original STI hatch - this should still work just wont be as powerful but that is not what you are after so should be fine  - an early type UK will be throwing out similar power (a proper one that has had the prodrive mods)

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No worries I thought you might have I just came across them whilst trying to find a 330 ecu. :( best I could find was a 2005 as I said before but I didn't think it was going to be easy. I agree too be nice just to be able to test another ecu as a means of removing it as a possible problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well....... bit of an update, after speaking to lots of people and coming to the conclusion that it would be very unlikely that the ECU would be faulty, I took it back to the main dealer and told them that it had been tested and was all ok and that it must be a wiring fault!!


So.... 2 days later I get a phone call saying that the fault is now cured and it was a wiring fault!!!!


I went to the dealer today to pick the car up, they charged me 2 hours labour so could not argue with that! I asked if I could speak to the technician which they allowed me to do and basically it turns out that when he plugged the ECU back in the fault disappeared!! so obviously it was a connection fault.


The car now starts straight up and fan works as it should etc, but.... it has a misfire on number 1 cylinder!!! so the engine light comes on and the car is really sluggish, the dealer basically said they was not sure what it was and I would have to pay for coils and plugs etc to test first so I decided I am going to try and investigate myself....!


So guys any ideas what this misfire could be?? I took the plugs out before when I had the compression test done (which all was ok) and they all looked ok??

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Well some good news and what I thought it would be like most of everybody else and yourself included. I would have to say spark plugs or coils mate :( I would start with the plugs and work back. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sooooooo, I am starting to think this car is jinxed!!!! I have been working on the car at my friends garage trying to sort the misfire issue (still no luck), I went on holiday for a week and came back to find out his garage has been broken into and my car keys (both of them as I was stupid enough not to separate them) had been stolen!!! along with all the keys to his cars and all his kit and 2 cars from his garage!!!!


The worst new is that I now have a car stuck with no keys and cant move it and my insurance company will not pay out as I had left the keys with the car!!!


Any ideas anyone???

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Gutted, it will be covered with his insurance, the car was in his possession in his garage. There is no way you should have to claim on your insurance. What has he said to all the other car owners that have had keys stolen???

Another thing, I would not be settling for new keys, I would want new locks fitted too. They will have got each reg number and maybe addresses, so they can go and pinch the other cars whenever they want to.

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Yes that was the assumption I was under too but it turns out that as the keys for the cars was not in a lockable cabinet they will not pay out!!!1


absolutely gutted, had no luck at all with this car from day one and now this!! 

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it's not your fault that he didn't lock the keys away. he should know what is covered on his policy, if it says they should be locked away, he should lock them away, end of


were the other customers keys locked away?


if i had left my car there and my keys had been stolen, there is NO WAY that i would claim on my insurance or foot the bill myself.


even if he is a friend, it was his fault the he didn't lock your keys away, its not your fault and he shouldn't expect you to be out of pocket. why didn't he just say they were locked up????? sounds like a prick to me!!!!


if he doesn't mind you being out of pocket, he's not a friend anyway :angry:

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To be honest I agree with everything you are saying but the reality of it is that he is not covered and is not in a position to pay, the other cars gone etc was mainly his own sales cars that was in for repairs, its a **** situation and our friendship is very strained at the minute to say the least, and my car is still stuck down there!!

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he should know what is covered in his policy, if the keys need locking up, he should lock them up


what will happen if you pay out and get 2 new keys cut and then one night the scum bag that pinched your keys find's your car. he can unlock it and you will only hear it when it starts up and drives off........too late, it's gone


and then you phone your insurance, they say 'didn't you have your keys stolen last week?', then 'sorry you're not covered'


it's a !Removed! situation, but he's a businessman, he's happy making money, but when something goes wrong, it IS his fault, he should foot the bill


you left it there with 2 keys, you should pick it up with 2 keys

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You have invested quite a bit in it so far - Im a bit stubborn and really loved my hatch so I would be looking at recovering to an alternate location and replacing the locks plus one broken window.


Given what the new owner is facing you may get £5k from someone who will break it for spares

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If he is a business man then it's his responsibility to ensure his premises are properly insured and secure as far as possible. The keys should have been in a lock box at least. This is totally his responsibility and he is the one who should get you replacement keys, full stop!

He wouldn't stand a chance in court, he has no leg to stand on. It's a shame he's a friend as the 1st thing I would be doing now is to start court proceedings.

I would have though your insurance company whould pay out if you make the claim. Every time I leave my car at a workshop I leave the keys and it's business's responsibility. It's not your fault they keys were stolen and it's not your fault the business isn't coverd.

I'd get on to the insurance ombudsman and see what they suggest.

That or Dom


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He's not covered and can't afford to pay irrelevant of court proceedings. My insurance won't pay out as It was on his premises and should have been covered by him.



what a night mare.


how much for new keys to be cut?

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