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Everything posted by Miggs

  1. One thing I wanted to do to my classic impreza lights was fit a projector unit inside, you can buy aftermarket projectors off eBay and my idea was to paint the reflector black and just have an h4 hid in the projector, my cars currently dead but if you could work out how much roughly that would be I can bear it I'm mind if I manage to get another classic, I'd supply the projector bits it'd just be fitting, however this would be a massive custom job and I have no idea how the projector bits would secure
  2. It's one of the reasons we haven't moved in 12 years, it's the top of a cul de sac an all the neighbours bar one are as friendly as, I remember stories my nan used to tell me about just after the war and how people would come and tell you your door was open or you'd left the keys in the lock, and how all the neighbours would just knock on the door for a brew and a chat, that's what it's like here, rough as a bears !Removed! on this estate but the half we are on is private owned houses and as it's a dead end it's quiet as here
  3. Yeh luckily we have some great neighbours, 1 couple have 2 cars and one just the one, both have said if ever I need the car to just ask, the ones with 2 cars gave me the spare key to one and said if I ever use it just text and say "taking car" so they know its not been stolen
  4. Well if it wasn't goosed before I think it is now, if replaced the cam sensor and fuel pump relay still no change, I took the fuel feed pipe off the fuel filter and it gushed out like it wasn't getting to the injectors, I thought I'd change the crank sensor as I have a spare and isn't too hard, removed alternator and pulled the sensor and it broke with the top of the sensor in my hand and the body in the engine, I looked at an old oil pump I have and determined that there was no point removing the pump as the sensor is sealed inside, I drilled the top of the sensor to get an easy out in and that just made things worse, I went too far with the drill, not on purpose, and now have a hole in the bottom of the sensor housing, I'm not going to the pain of a job of swapping the pump for a few weeks then stripping the car so when I can be arsed I think k it's time to call it a day on this one
  5. Also with car led's you need one that can run at 9-18v ac otherwise it will die quicker than it should, ultraleds website has everything you'll need and are always happy to advise
  6. An led doesn't run off 12v so you need a resistor on the positive line to get the volts up to power it, if you put T5 led into ebay they have stacks in he holders but I think that would be too long for the application as they need to house the resistor in the holder, if I was just changing the colour I would either take the green cap off and paint the bulb or just paint a new bulb, bulb paint can be found in halfrauds or the net and is designed to run the temps a bulb can reach
  7. My map reader bulbs were festoon, I have 501 bulbs all over the place in the garage as I buy them from China for 6p a pair including delivery lol, I use an app called my bid sniper, they always get posted in a jiffy bag too which has to cost them a bit more than I pay
  8. It can be done to a classic as can the turbo engine, seen a few with it done now and the non turbo 2.2 engine has been a favourite but they are getting a bit thin on the ground now so people are using the 2.0 instead, as said an adapter plate is use for he box, if you check out the volkszone forum or vzi as it's also known they have threads dedicated to it
  9. I was gonna say, nail polish remover would probably work but new kitchen works just as good lol
  10. I've not been into subarus long enough to see some high milers to he honest but I do think you never know if the cars had a rebuild or not, if I was to do a rebuild on mine I'd tackle it myself and all you would see is the receipts for the parts not the labour and that's only if I put them in the documentation, I tend to drive my cars to the end and strip them down for parts when I'm done as there's always more money to be had that way, if someone else has done heir own build and not kept proof you would never know
  11. The bulb is a #74 T5 Wedge Style Bulb/led
  12. http://machinezealots.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/changing-ignition-ring-light.html?m=1
  13. Mines on 155k and no knock, I drive like a tit quite a lot too, I have known impreza big ends to knock at 30k, it's more about how the cars treated when cold and what quality of oil is used than miles
  14. My UK wagon was stock apart from the exhaust and that needed a new maf to get it running right, the fella had it for 1k when I went to look, I told him it needed work and he reduced it to 750,i ended up swapping it for a mk4 golf I paid 1500 for and he threw in a 106 pug that I sold for half the value of my impreza, that's the cheapest scoob I've seen that was running, albeit when it wanted
  15. I know my mates hilux surf has one but that's an import, aren't leggy's imports too? Might just be an import thing :-$
  16. Is that just a forester thing? Didn't even know they had one, I wonder if I could retro fit one to the impreza
  17. You can fit new age tmic to a classic but you need to make custom brackets to fit it I believe Sent from my Nexus 7
  18. Well don't I feel like a tit, took the under dash trim off to check wiring and noticed the 2 plugs I've been connecting by touch were the green ones, I thought the bigger ones were the black ones and as you could hear parts being checked that I was right, anywhoo I plugged the black ones in and low and behold I have codes, 13, 23 & 53, I have removed the maf so that's likely to be that code, would the pump cause the cam sensor to show or vice versa? I don't wanna buy one to find its the other as I'm trying not to spend on a potential breaker but need a car, also I have a 2.0 sport cam sensor, would this work on a turbo? Sent from my Nexus 7
  19. i was looking into this when i got mine and everywhere i looked people were saying genuine gaskets will do the job properly and loctite 5699 grey sealant, i have used the sealant on many things since and it is by far one of the best sealants i've ever used
  20. fair point, i didn't do anything yesterday as i was too sore from the day before, i think i'm gonna have another look today at some point, i'm gonna start stripping the car down as it's gonna happen anyway so i will make a start taking interior bits out and check all wiring while i'm there
  21. exhaust, air filter/induction kit, de cat, sti intercooler, bigger turbo, bigger injectors and a remap/custom ecu most likely in that order too
  22. was looking at his cars for sale again last night and there was a guy on facebook said he had bought one of the white classics, i did notice he'd gone from selling two to one, then last night there were two again, the new one that had appeared was the same one the facebook guy bought, i did a reg check on both white cars and both were registered as silver, looks like he's getting a WIIIDDDDEEEE birth from me just incase anybody else comes across them heres the link ebay link
  23. sorry that was me not posting the link i seem to do that a lot ebay link as far as i know there is only one purple label unit, i know when i was getting one for the wifes car the VW dealer will do them on an exchange basis so it worked out cheaper than an ebay special from china
  24. i think it's most likely that then, it should lead to a sandwich plate between the filter and the engine, this is definitely a pressure sender for the gauge if it does the fault could be the little gold coloured sender in the pic or maybe just the connections to it, might be worth taking the wires off and giving them a clean
  25. your never gonna see 60mpg in a turbo subie, i'm surprised you got 40 tbf, i usually get about 25-30 at 70 on the m/way, i have done 50mpg on a run once, was boring as hell but my mate was going to look at a car and didn't have much cash for juice and i was skint so there and back we were sat right up the !Removed! end of an artic doing 55mph
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