my advice is avoid, mine came with one unfitted and i toyed with the idea of getting a nice cheap bhp increase, however i turned up at a local tuning company for a T piece.
He had a 450bhp GTI R sat out front that hadnt moved for a while and when i queried why this was his response.
Fitted a blitz in car boost controller ( more expensive than manual) and after fitting my stage 2 turbo took it for a spin with a slight increase in boost. turned around and booted it and it spiked to 1.8bar. his turbo went bang as did the head on the engine.
I turned around and went him and binned my manual controller. If you want something doing do it right, £15 for the sake of 40-60bhp sounds great on paper, but is it worth £1200 + for the sake of a new engine and turbo.