Well when I 1st started I had an axe my only weapon and some food and a school bag and just some random clothes. Got shot running down the railway tracks by a guy hiding in the forest.
2nd time I had found a machine gun only one I did in 2 weeks but ad no ammo so again the axe was my only real weapon. I was one end of the map and the guy's I know was the other. So I arranged to meet them I was north so running south bumped into 2 guys in the road, so not sure if it was my mates I asked on TS they said it wasn't them so I turned and ran BANG shot me dead again.
3 and 4 and 5th time I didn't even have any weapons I was just getting a coat at most and trying to find food. Oh fell and broke both my legs on some ladders when it lagged that was enjoyable too :)
And then when I stopped after the last time was on the 3rd day I had collected some good bit's and had a shot gun with 2 shells and the axe. I had planned that in the morning when less people would be on I'd go have a look at the RAF base for the good stuff. So logged out new I didn't have anything on in the morning so took the kids to school came back. Made a few phone calls. Right I have 30mins lets do it so jumped on got a nice 30 slot backpack a green beret black combat shirt and camo combat trousers loads of other bit's good stuff. And came across these guns but had no ammo for them so left them, until I went in the last tent found two boxes of these shells for the guns I had found and was better than a shotgun that I only had 4 shells for at this point. So I thought I would risk going to collect one of these guns as I was running across the airstrip some guy started to open fire on me from a doorway I nearly crapped myself rattled off these 2 shots with the shotgun and ran around the building I didn't' even know how to reload the damn thing. So laid in the grass for a few seconds figuring it out and thought I've not seen him I will try sneak off. Just see him at the top of the control tower o started to run bang dead again. That was it for me not beenon since :D