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Everything posted by tom_gr7

  1. Depending on the condition of the other tyres, I'd consider replacing all four.
  2. hi and welcome :)
  3. i'll be camping that weekend hopefully. But we cant camp at the site unfortunately, well I think you can but its about 100quid for the weekend. Will have to contact the NBO organisers to see if we could get a cheaper rate or something?
  4. Just fitted my new lights. H7's went in fine... then the sidelights... er after an hour of !Removed! about i chinned it off lol. Looks like you have to remove the headlight unit, a bit difficult when the bolts are seized on haha
  5. thanks for the reply dog, I'll probably end up going with this one come payday. got any pics of it fitted in the car?
  6. is that this one mate? - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GRYT5QI/ref=s9_simh_gw_p23_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=08CQGWQSESDEG9P4YMSM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294 Does it record sound? is it small enough to hide near your mirror? It seems alot to spend when cheaper options will do the same haha edit, also can it easily be removed from the car upon parking up. Some areas I visit/work in are pretty rough.
  7. tom_gr7

    bad mpg :-(

    Maybe look at getting it serviced, new oil+filter, plugs, air filter, etc etc.That would be my first port of call mate. Also check your tyres too.
  8. Lol was just about to check my tyre pressures, thn the !Removed! lighter cut out. Typical haha
  9. I've got a samsung s4mini mate. - how do you clip your phone onto the windscreen?
  10. I dont know where to post this, but I want and would like to think I need a dashcam, haha Anyone any recommendations? I want a decent one really, but no what brands are good? thanks
  11. Nipped to Richmond today, loads of snow up on the hills there. Great fun in the legacy. Was driving on an untreated road, covered in compacted snow and ice. The leggy didn't slip once was firmly planted to the road. The sat nav took me down a very sleep cobbled lane and still not a single slip. Those winter tyres were certainly worth it!
  12. Im available sat the 24th jan! Im up for meet, pub meet, castleton, anywhere really.
  13. we've got snow outside, yay! hoping for more overnight.
  14. oh, if anyone is interested, MR Passat was still there this morning... lol Gonna have to confirm which house he is actually visiting, if only to be certain.
  15. oh i see, yeah I started playing the mod years ago when it was first released. It's a totally different game now, it used to be full of friendly players that team up but as things progressed it turned into a hacked pvp fest. I will have to try the SA again, see how its changed.
  16. Mod and Epoch mod mainly. I do have the SA but it's not a patch on the mod.
  17. Possible bargain - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311251153528?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Done 120k miles though, however,, bought cheap enough could still be a decent bargain.
  18. yeah come on ash we need a date lol haha
  19. This week I will mostly be playing DayZ :)
  20. Sweet! Yay snow! Goinh to richmond tomoz hoping its about 3foot deep by thn. Haha
  21. We doing the same for japfest castle comb n japfest 2?
  22. lol anyone remember me banging on about that passat ****** boxing me in on my drive? He boxed me in again this morning, but happened to be leaving for work (presumably work) at the same time as me, so it wasn't a problem. Got home earlier, parked hanging off my drive and onto the path preventing him blocking me in. The missus noticed that he's had to park elsewhere now. I notice that he's visiting a family across the street (couple with two kids). However, he only visits when the fella (who looks like a tradesmen and seems to works away) is not home lol. He's rarely there on a weekend when when the fella is home, but always when he's not there in the week. And yes I'm a nosey bugger :)
  23. Spotted a justy today! Got well excited lol, never seen one on the road before.
  24. just a quick one chaps, if you change a normal oem cat to a sports cat, will this throw up errors with the ecu?
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