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Everything posted by tom_gr7

  1. I think that's a nice car, but tbh, you could probably pick up a mk4 3ltr 6 cylinder spec b legacy (saloon or estate) for about the same price. - although, 3ltrs do come with 480 per year tax
  2. As a legacy owner it would be rude not to give it a whirl, however, I'm busy 8am -6pm mon to friday, so I'll have to pop in an "application" over the weekend.
  3. Cant wait for far cry 4, its gonna be the balls. Admittedly, im going to wait till its been out for at least 6-12months and pick it up in the steam sales. Over the last few years, the majoirty of PC games have been released half baked and unfinished, so I don't preorder anymore. Been stung too many times.
  4. Do you mean easington in co durham? If so i like like 5/10mins from there. :)
  5. Just outa interest was it a saloon or estate?
  6. I moved house at the weekend, so without internet till the 11th nov. :( I did see a black xv earlier today though. Got a bit excited lol. Theres quite a few scoobies where i work in darlington actually. Ive been seeing the same black wrx sti about. I even saw a pre facelift mk 4 legacy saloon, plus a few outbacks.
  7. Moving house this weekend. Christ its hard work!
  8. Looks lovely! Although, does it look a bit small?
  9. I got overtook by a WRX STI on the A1 North this evening. He was doing about 70/75 in a 50 zone... Then I saw a Tribeca! I was like wow, wtf is that!
  10. was driving along today, was two lanes merging in together. I was in the left hand lane and some **** in a vectra tried to block me from merging in! He knew the lanes were merging, yet he tried to force past on my right hand side. lol he didn't succeed though, as he bottled it. vauxhalls eh
  11. hmm, wonder if we could camp on site over night? that would be pretty decent. Will try and email the organisers and find out.
  12. Yeah it was a really nice car mate. The tax is far too much though, far too much to justify.
  13. oh I found it, I found the outback I was looking at the other day. Or atleast one of the outbacks. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201407115739780/sort/pricedesc/quicksearch/true/page/1/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/fuel-type/petrol/radius/1500/make/subaru/engine-size-cars/3l_to_3-9l/usedcars/postcode/sr84ta?logcode=p on that note... anyone got 15k they aint using? hahah
  14. I think there was two at NBO earlier this year. Looked pretty nice! I'd have one! Although, am i right in thinking they are only 2wd?
  15. thanks for the advice mate, I'll probably just go with some new tyres or something. rather be safe than sorry n all that !Removed!.
  16. I'd love a 3ltr legacy. I love my 2ltr, but a 3ltr would be awesome. Sadly, I expect it would be too much to insure and tax. Maybe my next legacy / outback will be a 3ltr. Be nice if they do a 3ltr engine on one of the new models?
  17. Ah i see, thanks chaps.
  18. tom_gr7


    I thought it was, "nothing !Removed! than a kwik fit fitter"
  19. I've got a legacy saloon. It's flippin marvelous. I love it. :) i'd say either a legacy estate or an outback would be a good option. Although, if you want/need the higher ground clearance then go for the outback. I do find my legacy is quite low and rough farm tracks can be a little be awkward. But other than that its !Removed! lovely.
  20. It was the dealer near the Ikea in Ashton Under Lyme. The manager seemed pretty sound. I was hoping he'd have had a few older/2nd hand fozzies as my folks need a new car, and a 2nd hand foz+auto would be perfect. The manager said they dont normally get second hand subarus in as people tend to keep them rather than buying a new car after a few years. And no it was the soon to be replaced outback. It was lovely though, the seats felt amazing and it had all the goodies. I didnt catch the price though. He did say that the new outback would be about 30k though. I'd certainly like one of the fozzies, however, the boot space for the outback was unreal!
  21. Went to a subaru dealer yesterday, just to look at some subaru's. Ended up having an hour long chat with the manager about subarus. He had a a 3.6R legacy, was nice lol. But I was more interested in a new foz or outback. The new ones look really nice especially with all the goodies inside! Missus Gr7 was checking out a few foz's and Xv's. She come away saying she wants a subaru, but couldn't make up her mind between a Foz or an XV! Mission accomplished! She even suggested that we could get a new scooby (for me) and she could drive my legacy.
  22. you think? hmmm, not sure whether to risk it or not. Rather play safe than sorry and potentially damage the car somehow.
  23. Hi guys, I've got 215/45/17's my mates got a set of 215/50/17's for sale. So can i switch from 45's to 50's? I find i feel alot of the bumps on the roads, so was wondering if going up to 50's would east that a little? Would this cause any problems with my speedo? thanks in advance edit, oh i looked on this site. - http://www.etyres.co.uk/tyre-size-calculator Scroll down, it checks the difference between the two sizes. In this case, it says "Difference in diameter: 3.52% Actual diameter change: 22mm" and "We recommend a MAXIMUM of +/- 2.5% difference" maybe its not such a good idea. mmmhhmmm
  24. Lovely legacy! i have to admit I love mine too!
  25. yeah count me n the missus in. I'll bring a camping stove for bbq and brews.
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