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Everything posted by JusNoGood

  1. Could Stick it on then and see what happens [emoji1] you might be fine.
  2. The oil goes over the MAF and messes things up. You can get a dry K&N
  3. How much for a WRX [emoji39] get one of those for 3k
  4. You're not going to get frustrated moving from 176bhp to roughly 100bhp?
  5. Each year it'll get cheaper mate [emoji2]
  6. Yea I guessed as much. I'd still shop around mate. That's a bucket of money for a Non turbo if that age and mileage. Have you tried the insurance guys on here?
  7. I'm guessing you're going non-turbo due to your age? Its worth checking insurance to see what the difference is. Servicing and MPG costs will be similar. It looks kind a pricey to me for an 8 year old non-turbo with 80,000 miles on the clock. Here's a few to compare it against.... Heres a same age, similar model with only 22k on the clock for a similar price. It is an Auto granted but just using it as an example. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201406024680112/sort/default/usedcars/model/impreza/postcode/rh20pn/maximum-age/up_to_8_years_old/price-to/5000/engine-size-cars/2l_to_2-5l/fuel-type/petrol/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/make/subaru/page/3/price-from/3000/radius/1500?logcode=p Then if you compare to turbos you would expect the turbo to be a lot more money...but they're not. 2006 with less miles (Turbo version) and similar price... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201406074825711/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/5000/engine-size-cars/2l_to_2-5l/radius/1500/maximum-age/up_to_8_years_old/postcode/rh20pn/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/model/impreza/fuel-type/petrol/page/3/make/subaru/price-from/3000?logcode=p and here is a 2006 with 80,00 miles and 300bhp!! I'm not by any means recommending this car (I'd go for one not fiddled with). Just trying to show how expensive the GX is. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201402211971194/sort/default/usedcars/model/impreza/postcode/rh20pn/maximum-age/up_to_8_years_old/price-to/5000/engine-size-cars/2l_to_2-5l/fuel-type/petrol/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/make/subaru/page/3/price-from/3000/radius/1500?logcode=p Hope that helps mate. If you're keen on a non-turbo then by all means go for it. They are great cars but I'd haggle hard if you go for the one you have linked.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I have seen a guy from the US fix his Forester. He used a rubber house door seal, but I couldn't find anything like it in Homebase. Just wondering what others have used :)
  9. Wow what a grata idea to get free road tax :D
  10. Yes looks great mate. Don't let this minor thing spoil your ownership ;) they are fab cars Another option is to talk to the breakers. Quite a few scoobie specialists
  11. I'm 45 mate so I guess I'm having one too. I do kind feel like it driving around with a PPP WR Sport exhaust burbling away :D My 15 year old laughed at me when I turned up to pick her up in my burbling car blasting our Arman VanBurren but then I've always been into cars...I've just prioritised other things for the past 6 years...I've had enough of sensible Jus ;) The Mrs used to love my first Impreza (got a Bug new in 2001)...but she refuses to drive my current Blob and keeps complaining it makes her feel sick lol. She's too smart to say "its me or the car"
  12. JusNoGood

    world cup !

    You know what mate..,I think I am. They don't look at all alike but they've both got that boring drone.
  13. JusNoGood

    world cup !

    I thought a saw him prematch wondering about on the pitch with Roy in one of the official track suits...so was a bit surprised to hear he was commentating
  14. Welcome mate. Very nice looking car. For some reason I've not considered an Outback...don't know why. Sounds like you're getting great mpg from a 3ltr! Similar to my 2.0ltr Impreza [emoji16]
  15. Welcome mate. Very nice choice of car. Any pics? [emoji1] If it has a decat I'd expect it to have a lot more mods.
  16. JusNoGood

    world cup !

    Really enjoying it. At last an exciting English team.
  17. Has anyone tried to address this problem? My windows seals are showing their age and I get quite a bit of noise. The majority of my driving at the moment is motorway so I'd like to get it sorted. I've watched a few YouTube videos showing people slotting in some rubber beading into the seal running around the top oh the frame and I've seen people hair drying and clamping the triangular rubber bit on the door. Has anyone done one of these or replaced the seals with new ones?
  18. I'd be careful inn the wet :)
  19. Yes I agree with Gambit. I think my wheels look great when they're covered in brake dust :) I'm thinking of getting some plasti dip to have a play
  20. Congrats on your purchase :) Blimey I've never heard of that happening! Hopefully you have better luck going forward
  21. Yea I agree. Integrale was an incredible car. I manager at work bought one new and I was in awe :D I did watch the Wheeler Dealer episode where they restored one...quite cheap to buy if I remember.
  22. Been busy the last week pampering the car... Full service by Dan and John at Surrey Subaru Specialists (highly recommended). This included new rear discs and pads, replace standard centre pipe and back box (pea shooters) with Prodrive WR Sport (wow it sound different. Yesterday fitted sound proofing in boot and behind front speakers. Not really driven the car yet to see if it's made a difference. Today bought a few more cleaning products from Halfrauds 3 for 2. Including a clay kit, keen to give it a go but looks like rain at the moment :(
  23. Not the Stratos? :)
  24. Complete overhall I'd say. I really couldn't believe how....well...granny it's got. Are they really trying to appeal to the over 70s in their polo's and Jazz's
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