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Everything posted by Fastboy67

  1. I'm also looking for a cold air intake to use along side a japspeed front mount intercooler (not currently fitted) any advice on which fits without fouling the fmic pipework. Want to have several mods fitted at the same time to save on re-map cost. Currently running 355 bhp.
  2. I had the light come on as well and purchased said lambda sensor from scoobyworld and a scan tool to clear the fault code once the new sensor was fitted. Both reasonably priced and delivered quickly. Can be a wee bit tricky taking the old one out nothing that a squirt of wd40 didn't cure just don't get it on the new sensor though.
  3. Some nice Japanese performance metal there like that a lot
  4. Great idea to keep the final connections till the very last minute with regards to the map being tweaked to accommodate the FMIC. I've not had the time to start the job yet but will get round to it this week hopefully. Thanks for all the advice.
  5. As a sports bike rider (gixer 1000) and a cyclist I have had loads of coffin dodgers pull out in front of me and nearly wipe me out. And like previously said morons texting and taking selfies while driving is far more dangerous than a few mph over the limit. I get frowned upon because of what I now drive and ride and looked at as if I'm some kind of hooligan nutter that drives/rides flat out everywhere. It's drives lack of attention that causes accidents. So until cars are fitted with heads up displays keeping your eyes on the road and surroundings is far safer way to drive than burying your head to the speedo to keep to/below a speed limit. As usual speed is used in the name of safety when in reality it's the revenue generated by speed cameras that's the important factor by those profiting from their use.
  6. Sounds a bit more involved than I was anticipating but hey ho in for a penny in for a pound. Thanks for the advice lads.
  7. Well gents I've bit the bullet and ordered an FMIC from japspeed. I'm pretty handy with the spinners just wondering if there are any pit falls I should look out for. Does the bumper have to come off? Any advice is most welcome.
  8. Nice one Dave hope the scooby wins. :D
  9. Excellent I'll have a look on there thanks lads.
  10. Can people still get the memorial tax disc and donate at the same time? It's quite a few months since the first post but new members may also want to contribute. Thanks for any info.
  11. Do you need to be on Facebook to vote? If so can someone vote for me as I'm not on any social media apart from this wonderful site
  12. Must admit I was looking to up my power to around 400 ( currently have 355) but think pound for pound I'll get more out of suspension upgrades such as mentioned above. If I can save enough on my next trip away for work I'll go for the tein coilovers possibly with the active pro edfc.
  13. Thanks mate yeah all these sensors and electronic gizzmos baffle me at times I'm proper old skool brought up on Mk I & Mk II escorts and capri's, showing my age now ha ha but must admit i love the scoobie :D
  14. Nice one Dino thanks for the link and again some very useful information given out by the lads on this site.
  15. Thanks Ash I'm not home for about another week just yet but when i do get home I'll try and sort something out with you for the sensor :D . Big thanks to everyone who has commented really appreciate the information its been really useful.
  16. Thanks lads great info there for me to digest. Think the car is still running an original turbo as I haven't found a receipt for one in the literature that it came with. I plan to have the so called minor jobs done first before looking at a change of turbo Having everything in place ready to go for the 400 mark. So its minor mods for the engine to prep it, possible suspension was thinking tein coilovers but having found an earlier post not so sure now. And more importantly better brakes to stop it. The meet sounds great unfortunately I work away hence the silly post times lol, and wont make this one but do you organise them on a regular basis ie once a month or is it just as and when ? I'll keep a look out on here for other meets I don't mind a bit of travelling. Thanks
  17. Thanks for the advice on the lambda I might have a go my self then sounds easy enough. I probably should of mentioned when I bought the car it came with it already remapped to a supposed 355 on the print out which was done over 18 months ago I think. So not really expecting it to be still that high but somewhere near would be nice. It had again according to the paperwork that came with the car that the fuel pump is uprated and it got a 3 port valve read up on them and still not sure what it does but it works. So yes looking at the front intercoolers as the figures should be up around there and I'm aiming for around 400 eventually money being available. Are they easy enough to install and would that need the map doing as well? So the de-cat will need the map sorting and I take it I'll have to fit it back on for MOT's.
  18. Hi looks a great forum with lots of helpful advice from you guys. Finally got the car I wanted after years of yearning for one and the other half hating them not that I worry what she thinks of my now pride and joy. :D Any way to the crux of the matter, it seams I have a troublesome sensor either at the front of the exhaust or near it can't remember what the garage said now. The engine light came on but with no loss of power that I was expecting (ie get you home mode) Turns out to be the lambda sensor I think its call as the previous owner had the same fault show up on a diagnostic test. The garage said it need more time to investigate it but it could be the said lambda sensor of faulty cat. It got me thinking is it worth having a de-cat pipe? I was toying with the idea of taking the car to scooby clinc for the work and having a front mount intercooler added at the same time. Seams they have a good reputation. Any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated.
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