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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. the dump valve is designed to work with a turbo, keeps it spinning by releasing pressure when you change gear - you can get some noise generators for non turbo models though http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Saber-EDV-V3-Fake-Dump-Valve-Fit-Subaru-Impreza-MR2-/150657617376?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2313e4cde0 I would stick with just a cherry bomb / exhaust system and induction kit, that will sound great
  2. to a degree yes however as performance is not your primary concern you could look at quality of materials but from a lesser known name but it is the fit which you would need to ensure is to your satisfaction - H&S do supply a quality product though it has to be said
  3. wow cherry bomb now there is a blast from the past no self respecting rally rep was complete without one of those bad boys - you will certainly be no shrinking wall flower with one of those fitted ;)
  4. The ECU will work fine but as you have increased the ability of the car to flow more air you may find it runs a little lean, the electrics should compensate but a map to suite will get you the best mixture for your car to ensure it runs efficiently. If you are thinking about Hayward and Scott level budgets why not consider a made to measure system which would be done to your spec lifetime guarantee etc
  5. Wotcha and welcome Steve - great looking car - very tidy, we have a couple of members from your area already on the forum, I can see the exhaust and wheels, have you made any other mods?
  6. Ahhh there you go showing my ignorance ;)
  7. I cant believe your missus kept the camera straight when she was taking the picture :D I would have been laughing too much
  8. I think its your enthusiasm + I much prefer seeing your profile picture on posts to Gambits
  9. A very unfortunate accident - like so many of recent motorsport tragedies
  10. yup the whole approach from the scooby driver was - this is no big deal, fires up just before start, holds revs, dump - shift - repeat - now wheres me tabs :D
  11. NGK plugs - had them for years with cars and bikes - never had any issues even on a crosser. Magnecor leads for good electrical wiggly transfer ;)
  12. definitely - every day there is a new nugget with this site B)
  13. my 2p - I would go black chrome 18" with some tasty treads then as another member has done put some more winter orientated rubber on your existing ones and have a great all year round option
  14. Wotcha and welcome Davie - Did you find any major differences (good or bad) going from Hawkeye to Newage?
  15. Me too - will defer to someone with more knowledge of those vehicles to step up :P
  16. Wotcha and welcome Jessica - yup as Gambit said he was struggling, if you want to keep it factory original you may have to go to Subaru themselves which I'm sure will be quite pricey. Can I ask why you wouldnt go for an aftermarket one - there is a place in south Wales that posted on the forum that would build you one for your car out of stainless steel so you may get the system sounding and looking exactly the same but with a lifetime guarantee?
  17. same here - I thought - he's left a door open there :D
  18. Those alloys do set it off - give it a more purposeful look ;)
  19. Think Ill be keeping mine as a recirc but changing to the forge item - shiny shiny
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