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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Windy in Worcester today but nothing we haven't seen before. Tlag and I were on a cross channel ferry Sunday night and even then the sea was rather bumpy. Sailing off topic a little... We should have been on the 8pm from Dunkerque but we kinda missed that one and ended up on the 10pm. I blame Tlag!
  2. Adam

    BRZ Spotted

    There is a red one local to me that I see every now sand then. I posted this because of the graphics and the fact it's left-hand drive.
  3. Spotted this on Saturday
  4. I'll be on the 2015 trip as you already know. Assuming I don't kill the GT-B at the Nürburgring this weekend I'll be taking that. Yes, I could buy a banger but I've seen the route (more or less) and some of those roads demand to be driven in a Subaru!
  5. The car will only be damaged if you mix tyre sizes. As long as all four tyres are the same size as each other you'll be OK. Yes the speedo may be slightly out but I bet it already is anyway!
  6. Thanks, it has changed very slightly since the profile photo was taken as it now has a JDM-size front number plate, higher profile tyres, and erm no tax disc! Hopefully I'll get some good shots at the 'ring so I can update it! I've heard good things about the F1s but never had a chance to try them. I was running 215 35 18 when that picture was taken but they were just too low in the profile and it made the car feel under-geared (not helped by my DCCD gearbox). I've now gone back to 225 40 18 and you can tell the difference on the motorway, plus my rims don't get so much of a bashing.
  7. What have I done to my Subaru today? Well I've filled it to the brim with Super unleaded. Not very exciting I hear you say. Maybe not but it doesn't happen very often because it doesn't get driven very often, but at 2am on Friday I will start my annual pilgrimage to the Nurburgring for a bit of end-of-season fun. :D
  8. Another project Graham?
  9. As Tlag said... Wow!
  10. You need a photo of it on the track :)
  11. Tlag is on holiday in the USA driving route 66 at the moment so he will be no use to you whatsoever. And no, I'm not jealous, not even slightly! I'm sure in theory you could do away with the fuel return line, maybe with some sort of upgraded pressure regulator. Never done it myself though, so that is really just me thinking outloud. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  12. As said above, the early 2.5 turbos had issues so are best avoided. They were redesigned for the version 10 hatchback so if you must have a 2.5 go for one of those.
  13. My GT-B has smoked reversing lights as standard and with normal bulbs they are useless, but I fitted a pair of CREE LEDs a while back and it made the world of differance. Highly recommended.
  14. Hopefully someone will be able to confirm the version for me from the photos. It version 5 or later because of the position of the dump valve mount, but beyond that I'm not sure. Also postage will be a problem because I'm working away for two weeks and have a massive commute, so although I'm home in the evenings there is no possible way I can get to a Post Office during opening hours. If you don't mind waiting a while we can do a deal, meanwhile if you find a better example elsewhere then so be it.
  15. Both. See attached photograph.
  16. ...just looked in the shed, I do but it's a bit tatty.
  17. May have one...
  18. Best advice I can give is not to watch the X Factor. Ever!! You seem to have it covered already. It's a simple job, just a bit fiddly getting the fresh oil into the diff so maybe find yourself some sort of tube or pipe to help. You've already mentioned the most inportant bit... Always undo the top first. And yes, it's full when the level reaches the top hole.
  19. No photos to hand, but from memory I ran a cable direct to the battery from each of the following... 1 cable per cylinder head (the GT-B has coil on plug ignition). Inlet manifold. 1 cable per suspension tower using the same connection points as various OEM earth cables. I'm sure there were six but I can't remember the other one at the moment!
  20. Many electrical problems on older cars can be traced back to a bad earth. I have a home made earthing kit on my GT-B and it has improved things greatly. Everything from radio reception to steering feel is better (the GT-B has electric speed sensitive power steering).
  21. There are a number of companies who will fill or 'pin' the void spaces in the block to make it closed-deck. Opinion in the Subaru world is divided on how good this is. Some big-name engine builders do this, while others say it's a waste of time. Obviously doing this won't give you the additions oil squirters, but you will get the extra strength. If you are building an EJ20 or EJ22 you might as well buy an original CDB, but that isn't an option with the EJ25 as they never made a CDB version. However from 2010 the EJ25 is a new 'heavy duty' design which is semi-closed with thicker sidewalls.
  22. I am being sent away by work for two weeks on Monday. All a bit short-notice, I was only told yesterday morning! Anyway, I'll still have limited access to the net for questions, but if anyone is interested in these I'm wont be able to get photos or visit a Post Office until my return. Sorry.
  23. Interesting that the service schedule for the rear diff oil only says that it should be inspected every 30,000 miles. Not changed. I can't help thinking that if you're going to go to all the trouble of inspecting it than you might as well change it. Remember when you inspect your diff oil (or gearbox oil) you are not looking for colour change as transmission oil doesn't change colour when it goes off... You need to smell it! The stronger the smell, the older it is.
  24. Wheel wobble is normally one of three things... Wheels not correctly balanced, a sticky brake caliper, or a damaged tyre. None of these are unique to the Legacy as they can happen on any car. Maybe they have cheap rubbish tyres in the US!?
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