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GGMan last won the day on February 7 2022

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  • Location:
    North East
  • Subaru Model
    2018 XV 2.0i

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  1. Hi My driver windows switch started to stick really bad and I want to replace if needed but I cannot find any guides on google on how to do this on 2018/2019 models, can someone point me in the right direction on how to remove it or where I can get a service guide book? I did find a Service Bulliten in USA for these switches breaking and did find a few posts on reddit for the Impreza range having the same issue. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2021/MC-10188179-0001.pdf Many Thanks GG
  2. Could try these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165399910713
  3. I got these ones https://subaru-parts.co.uk/product/front-rubber-mats-subaru-xv-2018my/
  4. Never knew this app existed
  5. Once you find a good garage/car dealer, you generally always go back. I am curious, what model wiper blades did they give you? (Presuming that were in a box 😁)
  6. All sorted :) Does seems like I got less white smoke from the exhaust (just water vapor, not coolant etc)
  7. Please watch vidoe of trim here: My long term fuel trim at idle hovers at about -10.9% on average and it goes down when I am driving only - it does not change when I press throttle in neutral - it does not chnage when coasting in neutral - it only changes when I am in motion and press throttle. I watched few videos saying the O2 sensor should switch on/off but mine seems to appear to stay at 0.8v majority the time. Any tips on this issue or is this normal for a Subaru? Or what other sensors should I be looking at? Thanks
  8. Yea, that what mine was showing but still went dead. On my Car Scanner Pro, I've set it up to give me an alert if ECU voltage drops below (ECU voltage, matches that on console) Plus with battery monitor, I can test and see if the OBD scanner is not going into power saving mode.
  9. I've ordered myself a battery monitor, as only cost me £12, as I had nectar points to spend. As I'm curious as to battery health and charging. System does say battery at v14.2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bluetooth-Battery-Monitor-Car-12V-Battery-Tester-QUICKLYNKS-BM2-BLE4-0-Device-/293882557510?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. Mine booked in 😀
  11. Last night, my car battery was dead and had to be jumped started 2nd time in a year but think new ODB drained battery), so decided to look at how it cost to replace OEM battery.... A few places keep offering the 'Bosch S4 024' battery but that has no Stop/Start (S/S) tech. Kwick-Fit the onl;y that offered S/S battery in the form of 'Bosch S4E40' at price of £195 but also just found same battery from tayna.co.uk for £89.99 (this battery has EFB for S/S) I notice my current states Q-85 and see halfords are selling a 'YBX77005 (Q55/Q85) Yuasa EFB S/S' for £142 I have read on a few USA forums, that the AGM tech way better. Is there a battery that AGM for the XV? Bosch info on AGM vs EFB Any one had to repalce their battery yet?
  12. There a part shortage all over and I am in the same boat
  13. Its been a week since I first got mesage about key fob battery being low and got my second one last. Bought a pack of these batteries and it be the second time I am chagning them
  14. Are you getting them done for free, since they are not the correct ones?
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