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Sit back and wait mate I'll chase everyone up once I've got my internet back :) looks like I'm getting four people's tickets for this :) once I've had the money sent to me I'm not a generous person ;) 


Nice one mate thanks for that saves me a job lol. I'll get it all marked up once my Internet is back on. Just sen a BT van at one of the Pole's so all being well.


Right need 3 more to pay up I'll message Dan again see if I can get anything from him :) 


Had seven paid up out of a possible 12. other's  haven't let me know yet if they can't make it anyname with Blackline through have confirmed they won't make it to the ball :( 


yeah we're close to it Boot's will pay I'm sure of it so only leave's two more really :) 


Nice one mate missus said you had been in. No discount though you bought from the wrong side of the shop [emoji15]


It's ok I got my eye on the nerf guns :-D


I make Films and Website for people


Haha yeah I can imagine even at my age how !Removed! fun they are lol. [emoji1]


Right wanting to book this tomorrow I'm going to pay for one of the extra tickets and Steves said he will book the other one so we make the 10. But we only have 8 cars going so I'm hoping we can still sell these. But if you want to come please get your name down ASAP please.


Ok it's booked anyone going want me to put their car forward as the special one ?

Need the details listed below asap. :)




Hi everyone!


If you are receiving this e-mail, it’s because your car club is booked in to attend Modified Live on April 25th at Cadwell Park.


Congrats and Thanks for joining us. My name is Dan and I am helping to spread the word about the show through our social media channels, and I need your help to do so.


There is only 9 days left until the show (I know, where did that time go, eh?!) – and I would like to post up about your club on our Facebook page.


Can you please let me know the following (where applicable):


-          The Website of your Car Club

-          The Facebook page of your car club

-          How and when was your car club formed?

-          Where in the country is your club based?

-          Have you been to Modified Live before?

-          How many cars are you bringing to ML?



-          Can you send me details (a few pics and a spec list) of any car(s) in your club that are particularly special? It may be just one car or a few. It may be a car that has just been completed, and will be seen for the first time at ML – or it may simply be the most modified or most popular car in your club – Basically, a car that represents what you’re all about.


I would like to use this info on our ML Facebook page immediately, and will obviously tag your club in any relevant posts.


Our plan this year is to make Modified Live THE car club show. Please help us achieve this by sending me any info you feel is relevant.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Dan Goodyer


Oh and if anyone still wants to go I bought an extra ticket thats for sale :) well 2 to be exact. 


Tickets sold I can maybe spare one more if anyone wants it. But selling quick :)


You can pay on the gate and walk round but not to be on the club stand mate. Has to be booked through us. 


Will we receive a ticket through the post that we show to get in?

What time should we arrive?

Is there anything that we should bring other than a flask of tea and pack up?


I guess us local lot could convoy in. Yeah should get tickets in the post. Cadwell posted them out on Saturday so we should get them Tuesday or Wednesday. Unless monies was sent to me then I'll have tickets. Food will be expensive so worth taking provisions. And always handy to take some cloths to wipe the car down. Other than that I think thats it lol.


Nice one. Im up for a convoy especially as you will have my ticket lol

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