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Hey everyone! Family commitments and lack of time -)

I fixed the clock that wasn't hard!


It looks like now I have a problem with the blowing exhaust manifold or up/pipe or gasket now sure yet - what is the most common problems for these cars??? Should I replace the lot with the aftermarket bits?


After a toyota this exhaust manifold looks very confusing to me - can anyone explain, with pics way it's designed and would that be difficult to replace the lot?


Quite a lot like this


There's a couple of sensors extra in that pic as well as a cat in the up pipe which we don't have,

Until you can pinpoint the leak i'd assume up pipe gasket blowing.

Assuming you still have the plastic undertray the headers should still be fine,

  • Like 3

Wow, that looks really complicated -) Yes it looks like it's the UP pipe - here is the pics





What would you recommend to do? Remove the whole lot and have a look? Look for the STI up pipe as a replacement?


Lol yeah ignore everything until you get to the turbo, the section before and the rest after it.

Well those nuts look like they've seen better days as does the pipe, so depends if you want to go for any more power ?

Standard replacment should be fine, if getting one from a breakers make sure it's not got a cat in it,

You could upgrade to an sti one or something like a 'Harvey Smith trick up pipe'

It's a pain in the !Removed! to get at so what ever you do make sure you have all replacement gaskets bolts etc before you attack it


A friend of mine watched this video and said that there was never 330 bhp Forester Factory Made, can anyone confirm that? He is asking for a link to prove that 330bhp factory made Forester was created, I'm unable to find one -)

A lady clearly said 330 bhp, but was it modified???


As of the up pipe do you think it's the gasket or Do I have to replace the pipe as well? any idea of the part numbers for the gasket/nuts and whatever I would need for such job?

Is it a common problem with the EJ20 engines???


She's driving an fsti so 260-270 standard, map and a few little nods will see those figures,

Import car parts will have all gaskets etc I'll have a look

At the end of the day it's a ware and tear item,

My trubo gasket weaps when Cold just not got round to replacing it


I don't plan to go for more power, I want to keep the car original and most reliable, I doubt I've managed to experienced even the factory setup as of yet. My gearbox is still playing up with the error code 25 -  Еngine torque control signal

And there is some hesitation from the gearbox, one day it's fine, the other it's hesitating with the HOLD flashing and this Engine torque control signal is there a sensor for that or something? Can someone advise, with so many impreza's around I don't believe that I'm the only one experiencing such problem...


It could be something to do with the scoop (hole) and that the water gets in and goes through the intercooler and then on to the wires which are on top of the gearbox. I've noticed that on a good warm day there is no problem and often on a rainy day it's a lot worse...


What is the standard boost by the way? And is that TD04L turbo by default on these models?

I've noticed that I have an adjustable actuator by the way -) not sure if they were adjustable from the factory!


Could be water ingress, not many people have auto turbos so your in a minority,

Td04 is stock on ours, euro models get a smaller one [emoji51]

The actuator arms are all adjustable to some extent but it could be aftermarket

Standard boost is .75 bar


Did you get a chance to have a look for the Gasket(s) part number?

What is one increase the boost on the actuator say to .85 would the fuel cut kick in? On my old starlet the standard boost on CT9 was .65 but could've been increased to .79 safely only at .8 the fuel cut would kick in -) And as far as I know for the TD04 running 1 bar is possible (at least some people were doing that on starlets, yes with TD04 -)))


Sorry bud,

These are genuine http://www.importcarparts.co.uk/parts-info?id=8750&cat=96&sub=103&sec=3006&var=51&dc=0&gen=&searchKey=&searchPart=

You can just but the gaskets by themselves but prob worth getting the lot as you can guarantee the stud will snap if you don't have a spare,

I can't remember what the stock fuel cut is set at,

Mine is set to cut at 1.3 bar and is mapped to 1.2 so i'd just have poke around the Web see whats possible


Thank you very much! That's appreciated.

Have you heard of speedo sensor on the forester's by any chance? Is your car in MPH or KM by the way? If your mapped at 1.2 what turbo have you got and what other mods do you have? what's the total bhp? and WHP? better to see the dyno graph if you have one! Would be really interesting to see your setup!


I've a dyno & afr somewhere just moved house so when I find it I'll post up,

My car is in mph but the clock just has a bit of tape over the K so just recalibrated into mph it's a connection on the back of the clock I think you just change that.

I'm on a td04 with sports cat 3" system, cosworth filter and an rcm fuel pump, loads of other bits in my gallery post, http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9698-my-foz

have esl board in ecu so twin maps one v power and an emergency !Removed! fuel map incase.

Mine didn't take to power at all as ours are more torque based the heads are different by all accounts, I got 220bhp and 250ftlbs. Need to get in on the dyno again as had a sticky caliper dodgy wheel bearing to name a few, would be interesting to see what it makes on a different one

  • 2 weeks later...

Right, 220bhp??? I though these are 250 bhp from the factory? At least my model, not sure about S/tb?

What's the part number for RCM fuel pump? Is it better than Walbro? How about noise? What was wrong with the stock one, or it just in case for the future increase?


By all accounts on 100 Ron fuel they were ment to be 240ps which is about 237bhp, but the mapper told me it was prob just a myth as he doubted it had ever made that, had clutch done last week and found the sigpot bearing was seized, so that could have contributed to the lower numbers too, people say it's faster than that but I wouldn't really know real world pace is good which is all I wanted really as there's no point all the boost coming it ln at 5k by which time your well over a ton.

As for the pump I've not noticed any increase in noise the stock one was approaching 20 years old so was good to change it anyway, but it has the ability to flow at a higher rate which is essential when upping the boost to decrease the risk of leaning off, I went with the rcm as walbro 's had some issues last year



Mine comes in early now around 2 and is hitting max boost at 3.5k which is nice makes a more drivable car in my opinion,

I've an ej20g motor although I think when the built the 1st foz's they just used what ever parts were lying around !


Full boost by 3.5 K is very nice! I used to have full boost at 3K on my old Toyota and that was superb! On my T/Tb I only said 4k because it says by the description, I've no boost gauge as of yet, so can't really comment first hand. I also have EJ20G


As far as I know EJ20G is a pretty good engine and is actually an Impreza Engine - please correct me if I'm mistaken?


Bucket-style HLA EJ20G usage[edit]

Power output ranges from 220 PS @ 6000 rpm and 260 Nm for the WRX Wagons to 275 PS @ 6500 rpm and 319 Nm for the WRX STI Version II. Engines can be identified by coil on plug with 1 M8 bolt per coil and valve covers with 4CAM 16VALVE and horizontal lines above the plug holes. Generally these engines all have the slanted intercooler. Some engines may not have HLA buckets but solid buckets with shims underneath. These engines also feature lighter valves, the intake valves are marked INKO and the exhaust valves are marked EXKO. The standard HLA valves are I252 and E283 respectively. All WRX Wagon engines and automatic sedan engines came with a TD04 with 90 deg elbow, all manual WRX sedans including STI versions had a TD05 with 90 deg elbow



The list is certainly missing our Foresters but being JDM I won't be surprised -)


I've just had a read here and a lot of people say good words about EJ20G




You are correct in the engine code, however as ours were the 1st lot of foz's they differ slightly,

Straight i/c and not the slanty type on ver 1-2 imprezas and front entry turbo as opposed to the 90° elbow

As for the solid buckets I've no idea but as ours are later versions of the engine they could be, not had the heads off to check,

Also the rocker cover gaskets are a bit hit and miss as they aren't the ones listed for the eudm car on import car parts site,

When we had mine changed we ended up with 5 sets of different ones as we couldn't work out which was correct until we stripped it down


Do you know what month (in 1997) is your car stants?

That should be yours I suppose? http://www.subaru-forester.info/specs/1997.2/28145/

Also you can try to use this website which I was recommended, it has Japanese database of spare parts - you will just have to input your vin code - totally free. Use google chrome for translation




Type in your vin code and press the only gray button starts with Ha - in the middle - that will show quite a lot of info about your car -)


Hi mate thanks for the links, I've seen the Russian site before,need to use chrome on my phone,

If your struggling to get part no's from UK dealers, this is a good source of parts too



It's weird sometimes it works sometimes it come back with an error, I find if I type the address in it usually goes in ok


Www.opposedforces.com  doesn't work for me either.


The website provided actually has English/Japanese printouts and is the JDM one. Just at the beginning you'll see some Russian, but once VIN entered and select something in the middle you'll see the rest in English. At the top left when you click on the part there will be the actual part numbe wirtten starting with OEM. If anyone need any help with the website just let me know as I've learned how to use it by now and understand that writings -)


Saying that I was unable to find the original fuel pump with that, also the database is so massive I probably didn't look well enough...


My local Subaru dealership is rubbish and a waste of time. After a Toyota one is like day and night -)


Has anyone managed to changed the PowerSteering fluid without a special pump? If so can anyone advise on how to do it? thank you!

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