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He's a massive welsh guy, and loves his Pod Virgins as much as I like any type of virgin. I think what I'm trying to say is you're fucked :laugh: No he's top bloke though you will love it. 

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Yeah had a payment from someone :laugh: soon have enough for a full set of Dust Caps... Get in :laugh:


Hi guys,

what exactly will be happening on the sunday? Me and kayzarh are interested but just a matter of getting our cars ready for that weekend.


Best way to experience it is on clubstand you're close to the action get to meet us awesome peeps off the forum.. 


Sorry for my lack of participation on the forums of late but car is all sorted now and im in for this

Payment sent and should be a pal of mine signing up aswell today


Anyone else coming from Sussex a21/m25 perhaps we could meet on the way ?

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Yep it did nothing lol wasnt actually hooked up to anything, Was so scared to touch it aswell.
But had the car remapped last week its a bit savage now as still everything goes to the rear wheels but should get some respecatble times this time around


More the merrier. Pavley will be there again in the p1 despite the wife's due date being around that time :cool: I told him to, " family should come first. So we would see him there" :laugh: he's coming with his mate in a 350z so as long as it's jap mate anyones welcome we just park them up at the back. :laugh:


going bring, wash up liquid ,tarp, and paddling pool. please supply your own snorkel and face mask for health and safety reasons

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Nice one Ian wouldn't have been the same without ya.And looks like I will be there too Whoopwhoop!!

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When you use the form mate it's one ticket and one pass so will get one person in and one car on the stand. passengers can pay on the gate or buy tickets off the site. I don't mind sorting it out though if you want to pay me via paypal and I will send you two tickets and one pass. 

8 hours ago, HawkeyeWRX said:

Paid ready to go! :)

Welcome! fire up a quick post in the introduction section, give us the lowdown on the motor etc. Pictures too :yes:


Just waiting to see if Stacey has the weekend off work and will get it booked. When is the closing date?




20 is there cut off mate I'm hoping to book it before but I might have to let people get chance and make it 12 noon on Tuesday. As I haven't even posted it on the UKlegacy guy's forum. But we only had one chap last time come from there :sad:


whats the idea, do you guys just drive down sunday morning, have the day there then drive home?


Its 110 miles for me using the A1, but prob go on the M1 which would be around 120 each way!


how much is it to RWYB? or is that included in the ticket price?


ahh after reading the add better, RWYB is Sat not Sunday, are you guys doing 2 days or must just going for the Sunday? Havnt checked if the wifes working or not though as if so I'm not bringing my 1 year old all that way!


They do rwyb on the Sunday too but just jap cars.  Saturday is open to all cars.  I can't remember how much it is but circa £20-25 for 4 runs. Someone will have a better memory than me :confused1:

Bring some ear defenders for the little one. And your drivers license. 

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