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Thats the timing belt covers on now and the aux belts on and adjusted up also the turbo refitted


I'm getting there now just waiting on my coilpacks and heatwrap now then engine back in next week 👍


Coming along nicely chap [emoji106]

Here's a link to the newage coilpack conversion i used


Only change i did was too connect the earths higher up on the inlet manifold, To lessen the chance of them getting corrosion from moisture off the ground

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Thanks buddy 😉 feels like i'm actually getting somewhere with it now, yeah i've already looked on that site and bookmarked it as it was the first one that came up on ye olde googlie search, i think I'll follow you're lead and put the earth higher up as you say 👍


My newage coils turned up today and looking at the wiring they don't match up with the wire colours that are on the james simpson website that shows how to wire them in, just wondering if anyone can shine any light on how to wire these ones in, heres the pics of the wire set up on the ones i have 


now i think the black with white tracer is the earth and the blue with black tracer is the 12v live and the middle wire on both pics is the signal wire, any help would be much appreciated 👍👍


From what i've read so far i've got newage sti coilpacks as they are grey whereas newage wrx coilpacks are black, now the ones in the sellers picture on the bay were black so thats what i thought i would get, so are the wire colours from an newage sti different from the wire colours on a newage wrx 


Black with white stripe was definitely common earth , ive only got 1 pic on my phone and im going out for a few beers ,so you wont get any usefull info outta me later lol .

You could have a trawl through my classic build thread and follow the fubar'd photo bucket link on the bit about coilpack conversions. My pics might show the wire colours [emoji6]

Otherwise pm me after 11am tomorrow and i should be sober enough to have a squint at mine [emoji106] ad4d50f9a74a19507f4ed0920810c0c8.jpg

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Thanks alot mate 👍 i was just a bit worried that they wouldn't fit and also trying to work out how it all wires in as i'm not the best when it comes to sparky stuff but i can follow instructions 😉, i did try pm you earlier but it said you couldn't recieve them for some reason, the seller on the bay has been good and replying to me, don't really want to have to sent them back at my cost and delay the re-fit any further, again thanks bud and you are sure they should fit ok 👍


No probs , unfortunately i didn't make it too the pub ,... see pic in "what have you done to your subaru today " thread [emoji53][emoji856]

But fook me I'm gonna drown my sorrows tonight [emoji6]


Holy sh*t mate doesn't look good but glad to hear you and you're daughter are all ok, i hope the old girl will be back on the road again soon aswell its taken quite a hit there, i'm sure a few jars will ease the pain a little 😉


Ok so continuing with these coil pack wires i'm pretty sure the black/white (earth as savage said) and the blue/black ( 12v live ) coz they are thicker than the 3rd wire which is quite thin so in my mind the thinner wire will be the signal wire, does anyone think i'm right with that? 👍


Coil packs now wired into the classic side i just went with what i thought was the right way so hopefully it'l start when i get the engine in 🤞, if not I'll just blame all the guys in the workshop who agreed with me that it was correct 😂


Will get them fitted to the engine tomorrow 👍


Got the coil packs fitted tonight after repairing the windscreen on one of the boys at work daughters car so just the headers and new engine mounts to fit some fresh oil and filter, then finish work at lunch time on friday and get it fitted 👍 

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Got the headers fitted was a bit of a wrestle doing myself with the engine dangling above me but managed ok, left the engine mounts in the house though so that will have to get done tomorrow 👍


Also got the oil dropped and new filter on, left the sump plug out overnight so as to get nearly all the oil out 😉👍


Thats it, engine ready to go in, had to remove a stripped stud from the turbo this evening but got that done no bother so bring on tomorrow afternoon, getting exciting now 😉👍

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Cheers savage 👍, hope you're build comes along easily this weekend buddy, thats it in and alot of the plugs and pipes reattached, i forgot to take any pics of it going in but will get some tomorrow when i go back to finish it off, it actually went together really easy i didn't expect that i thought might have been a bit if a pita getting the engine and gearbox together but it just fell in 😉👍

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Its a starter, got the vast majority of finished off today all the important stuff done, had the engine running for a few minutes then it cut out, found the fuel pump fuse blown so replaced it and the same happened again, i was starving by this point so i left it for the day at least i know it starts and runs, on way home from garage i remembered i've an earth cable i forget to attach so i'm hoping thats why it keeps blowing the pump fuse, i'm happy i wired in the coilpack conversion correctly as soon as turned the key after reconnecting crank sensor it started.


This is as far as i got just really the body parts to be refitted, may get it done tomorrow at some point but my mum coming round for a visit so feck knows how long she will be here for 😉👍

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Pretty close now chap , as for the gearbox and engine , ive had some just fall into place [emoji41]

And some take half a day of wiggling, jacking the box up n down and a full swear tin [emoji849]

Hope the bleeding of the coolant goes just as smooth and your back with boost n burble soon [emoji106]

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I'm nearly there now squire 👍, couldn't get to it yesterday as the mother was round for a visit and decided to stay for dinner, she never comes to visit and on the one day i want to get finished off she appears 😡 haha, been back at it today after work and attached that earth wire and a vacuum pipe that i had forgot aswell and boom no more blown fuse's and had it ticking over for around half an hour while i went over it with a fine toothed comb checking for leaks, i'm glad to report its all looking good, when i went to switch it off the check engine light was on but not sure if thats a stored code from when it was running on Saturday without that vac pipe attached so will check the codes tomorrow evening. Must admit savage i'm getting a bit excited now but have to book in with andy forrest to get mapped now and he's normally around a month wait so will be another few weeks before i'm back out and about 😒

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Im a bit jelly lol , wish i was at the almost finished stage [emoji849] but I'm getting there .

Do a ecu reset bud , there's a "how to" sticky thread in the tech section [emoji6]

What injectors are you running , stock grey 380's?

If so 290hp is about the limit with those and a "slanty" tmic , with a fmic and yellow 440cc injectors you should see about 330hp [emoji6]

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I'll do the ecu reset today pal👍 and i've fitted yellow 440's bit still have the oe slanty intercooler, will i be ok to give the car a wee run as long as i stay off boost? its just to make sure i dont have any issue's before i go see about the mapping 


Unfortunately the slanty tmic will max out at 290hp ish and it's a mare to fit bigger tmics on v1 inlets , so fmic is the normal route on v1/v2's .

It should run ok but you'll be overfuelling, so don't drive it too much , even off boost , as overfuelling can cause bore wash .

Which strips the bores of oil causing wear and can lead to fuel in the sump/oil [emoji6]


Its finished 👍😁, got the bonnet and other bits and bobs on today and gave it a little test down the street and back and everything seems ok


Booked in for mot on Tuesday, then its a wait to get mapped, one of the lads at work is going to take me with the car on a trailer as dont want to drive it until the injectors and other mods have been mapped in 

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