Tlag Posted February 11, 2014 Author Posted February 11, 2014 It's been a quiet day today on the build :(. I have, however found my stash of parts that I put away over a year ago :) Mainly gaskets and seals and stuff so not very exciting to photograph. I did get a couple of phone calls today that were very welcome. One from a supplier to tell me that my order will be with me tomorrow. The second from my machine shop to say I can collect the heads in the morning. That means, depending on the postal delivery time, the build can start tomorrow afternoon :) pics of that will follow. 1
Gambit Posted February 11, 2014 Posted February 11, 2014 Quiet day busy one tomorrow by the sounds of it at least the day came with some good news so not that bad really :)
Jay762 Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 again good customer service from your machine shop :)
Tlag Posted February 12, 2014 Author Posted February 12, 2014 Post didn't arrive until after 4 so no build fun today. I did collect me heads though and I'm very impressed with the work. Hers a before and after shot: Before: After: And a close up of the work: In the parcel, along with seals and minor stuff was this too :) I am however, in a position to commence the build tomorrow morning :) 2
Jay762 Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 oooooh matron pleeeease - some great prep work there, really good job on the head :)
Gambit Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Amazing how much !Removed! they get on them heads can see a real difference with them almost as good as new. Let the building commence :)
Tlag Posted February 13, 2014 Author Posted February 13, 2014 So, today engine building started First, all the con rods were cleaned and checked over. Then the new bearings fitted with a good dose of paste Next, each Conroe was fitted to the crankshaft, ensuring they are the correct way around The bolts were the. Tightened to the specified torque. Once all 4 are bolted up and feel good, attention turns to the crank case. Already thoroughly cleaned, it just needs a blast of compressed air to blow out any dust That's collected. Then the bearings are fitted and paste applied New o rings are fitted along with the crank assembly Then the bearings and paste are fitted to the other half. A very thin layer of sealant is applied to the flat surfaces and the two halves put together. Then it's time to put the bolts in. This is all the bolts just for the crankcase That took most of the day. It dosnt seem a lot of work, but everything is dry fitted and measured several times before actually fitting. 1
Gambit Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Nice job so far. And I was always told if a jobs worth doing it's worth doing properly, so take your time. And I know 1st hand how time consuming some jobs can be and you feel you didn't get much done. But I think it's already starting to take shape :)
Jay762 Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 definately not something to rush - took me a day to do the same with a bike engine
stants Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Ooh looks good. I'd love to be able to attempt something like this. Pardon my ignorance but whats the roger clark item that arrived in the post picture ?
Jay762 Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 That is a sump baffle plate, it stops the oil sloshing about improving the feed to the pickup, minimising the chance of oil starvation and also going up one side of the engine or the other under hard cornering
stants Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Ah thought it may have been but bever seen one out
Tlag Posted February 15, 2014 Author Posted February 15, 2014 Had chance to do a bit today, after sorting out the garden fence from last nights winds. Today was about the heads, well, 1 of the heads anyway :) Time put them back together. First up, new valve stem seals and sorting the valves out. . Then, once the valves had all been cleaned up with a wire brush, it was time to lap them in and reseat them All 8 valves in Then the bit I dread most, fitting the collets to hold the valve springs in. It's such a fiddly time consuming task. Done :) Well, that's one head done anyway. One more to do, maybe tomorrow 1
Jay762 Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 those collets are indeed a fiddly job - lots of patience required ;)
Gambit Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 I'm guessing that bit would be at the point all my tools are Sh@t the engines Sh@t and I curse my life for being so damn difficult type of job then ;)
Jay762 Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 put it this way you need a steady hand and make sure no hammers are within easy reach - there are tools you can get which make it easier to compress the spring whilst you put the other bits in place though which really help
Gambit Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 Arrhh I know exactly what type of job it is now.
Tlag Posted February 16, 2014 Author Posted February 16, 2014 I have one of those tools which are great but you have to use needle nose pliers to put the collets in place. Problem is, after about the third use, the pliers suddenly become magnetic and won't let go of the collet. Then you have to use a small screwdriver to hold the collet in place as you withdraw the pliers. At this point you need 3 hands But only have room in the work area for 3 fingers. It's THAT type of job :) 2
Gambit Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 worse than doing the spark plug swap then :)
Tlag Posted February 18, 2014 Author Posted February 18, 2014 Today was a good day :) Got loads done but started with a box First step is a fiddly one, fitting the new piston rings Then on to fitting the pistons. That meant putting the block back on the bench Once all four are fitted, it's time to put the block back on the stand. Next up was the oil pump. Shiney:) And finally for today, the water pump. It's looking good now :)
antlockyer Posted February 18, 2014 Posted February 18, 2014 Nice, I must be the only one who has never had an issue with valve collets. Various much simpler tasks have been messed up though :)
savage bulldogs Posted February 18, 2014 Posted February 18, 2014 Nice progress tlag :-) Soon be up n running at this rate well done fella . + 1 with the collets and the strangely magnetic effect they have on needle nose pliers lol
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