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howdo guys and gals, been a while since i last posted but with xmas and the wifes uni exams it was a bot hectic round here, good news is she passed and is now a qualified midwife, bad news is she has no job yet so moneys tight


happy new year to you all, hope you all had a good holiday, i however was put into a !Removed! mood as of boxing day when some daft bint decided she wanted to be in the first lane on the motorway at the same time as me, she swiped the side of my car and i've been having talks with insurance people since, i got the call about 30 mins ago to say it's a CAT-C write off so i thought i'd let you guys know that it's going to be curtains for the wagon when the money comes through, if anybody would like anything for a V3 classic wagon (GF8) let me know and i'll treat you on a first come first served basis, it's fairly standard by way of mods so nothings going to have massive value, i have a spare decat in the garage so if anybody has any desire for one thats an option, if theres anything you wanna know just ask, cheers guys, i may not get back to you the same day but i will get back to you

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I'd have looked at it as a blessing as long as nobody was hurt anyway :D What car you after next ?

And big congratulations to your wife well done her for passing and hope she gets the job she wants soon. Shouldn't take too long I'm sure :D 


it was just a scrape, literally, offside rear door and rear quarter have scrape marks, doors concaved, rear offside alloy was caught on every !Removed! spoke, tbh that's what i'm more peeved about lol


next i'm gonna get something different, i think maybe a GC8, always feel i'm missing something when i'm in the wagon, preferably a V4 as i want a cup holder and an armrest lol


at the moment i have the facelift cleat lights and fogs, i have 2 de cat's (one fitted) with full stainless system with just the back box as a baffle, i have a turbo timer (APEXI) 4 pot front brakes with drilled and grooved discs, forge vent to atmosphere valve, WR1 replica alloys in white, mini scoop for the offside bonnet vent, sony Bluetooth headunit, HKS FCD, adjustable boost valve, 52mm boost gauge in bar, 52mm oil pressure gauge in psi both white face and blue lit and a pipercross foam cone filter


all the above in red are the non standard V3 stuff, and they will only be available if they are not needed or don't fit on the next car i get, all other parts will be available if wanted when the cars being stripped, if theres anything anybody needs from a V6 GC8 i have some parts left over, full dashboard and stalks, no clocks though various interior and exterior trims too, A pillar trims are in black unlike my wagon which are cream/beige


bit of 'T' cut will sort that out :D


great to hear you are all ok - and big congrats to your missus I know she will have had to put in some serious graft to get that under her belt


Sorry to hear about the damage to your scooby migs but ,at least no one was hurt .I'm glad to hear your thinking of buying a gc8 though :-)

My brv is toying with the idea of selling his scooby but he'd want about £4k for her .

v1sti 80km


newage black sti seats

olin coil overs

whiteline arbs, droplinks , lift and bump steer kits

autobahn fmic

gt spec headers

apexi fc

6 speed

Forged cdb running 340 hp mapped by jgm

And loads of other bits .

anyways best of luck getting what you want for yours of the insurance company and I'll be keeping a eye for some pics of whatever you replace the injured waggon with ;-)


That look like how my mrs drives on the way back from tescos :-)

As if she goes shopping without the kids in the car I never get a whole hob knob in the packet and I can't open a beer for 20 mins without it exploding :-D

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I'll pm you

Not again... Come on mate I've told you I've moved on I don't need more pictures of your legs.


your not far wrong Gambit, although when the wifes in the car i drive like a granny, the accident was at granny speeds, it would be easy enough to get it sorted, the door is easy enough to replace then the rest would just need a wetsand and polish but with the recent engine issues i may as well take advantage of it being written off, saves worrying about future engine issues and if i get chance i want to strip the engine down and see what this steel seal has done


and Savage, i'd e very interested if it was a facelift model and a uk spec, my insurance more than triples with the import models and i'm not a fan of the grill, lights and bonnet vents on the V1/2


i'm hoping to get a white GC8 if i can find one in the price of my payout, trouble is i still don't know how much i'm getting so theres a fair few saved on the phone and laptop so far


ohhh a white wagon, that's tempting, i'll bear that in mind when i know what i'm getting money wise, cheers pal, do you have any pics and spec?


biggest pain in the !Removed! is white on a car, wax and polish dries white so you have to keep tilting your head to see the shiny and dull patches and any black trim thats left un polished for a few months tends to bleed marks into the white from the rain, nothing a good machine polish can't fix


Gambit's vid post... ohh, if only I was still younger and stupid enough to think it was ok to buy £500 worth of tyres every time I had a notion to do a roundabout sideways....


Gambit's vid post... ohh, if only I was still younger and stupid enough to think it was ok to buy £500 worth of tyres every time I had a notion to do a roundabout sideways....

Not to sure about the younger part but I'm certainly stupid enough :D  I bought 4 new tyres last January after one day at a track day. And had to replace all 4 again by October :lol:  


Not to sure but it might say wrx on the log book , as all v1 sti's were wrxs taken off the production line and then stripped and hand built by sti .rather than being built on the subaru production line like v3 onwards ;-)

We've done a facelift conversion with crystal light pack

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