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Heres my ver3 sti that has been off road for years, was bought by my mate for spares for is ra rally car but he has 2more so convinced him to sell me this one it needs a lot done to it but will be good fun allways wanted a scooby, the engine is out needing head gaskets done, the interior needs bolted down and steering rack put back in, plans for it are put it back to original with a few tweeks like exaust,filter,dump valve and tidy bay up paint a few bits also wanting to put a facelift front back on it as he bought if without and only has ore facelift parts will find some at a later date, was done today and took out the aircon and a clifford alarm that was in it as we dont have fob heres a few pics the quality is rubbish had to use old phone


Nice t hear that someone is saving instead of parting and selling. Will be a good little project and should end with a nice car.

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I hope so and its mint inside too good to just sit for spares going tl be slow progress but will get done wanted one since I was little a classic


Nice to see a older classic being saved from the scrapyard in the sky .

I've got a set of facelift oe headlights/sidelights in the man cave .

£30 +pp .

will also have a full set of facelift pannels in silver up for grabs in a couple of months .As I'm reshelling my uk turbo into a v1 sti Shell ;-).

Keep us updated on your progress with plenty of pics :-)

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I will do and will get back later on hes going to have a look to see if he has any facelift bits in his container so might get some


Nice little project that mate. And I agree I like to see the repaired ones being done, soon won't see many classics :(

And if you have a look Savage has put a few parts in the sales section that might also interest you. Anyway keep it up look forward to seeing this one bling again :)

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Thanks Allways wanted one so it will be getting kept Will put pics up as I go will be slow progress but will get there

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Wotcha and welcome - will be nice to watch this car come to life again :)


Quick question what dials should be in a ver3 sti as the ones in mine are plain black can i put digital ones in from a later classic and how hard are they to wire up


Don't hold me to this but don't think you can I think the later ones use sensors so would mean major wiring, but maybe one of the classic shape owners might be able to inform you better :) 


I think The clocks that should be in a v3 sti will be non digital mileage readout and have a carbon effect around the clocks .

Afraid I don't know if the later ones require any modifications to fit or if uk and jdm ones are compatible (due to the rev and speedo being on different sides)


post-1928-139542854224_thumb.jpg started striping inlet ready to clean and paint not sure on colour here's before I started on it and a after stuck on how to get injectors out u take meteal caps off top bit do they pull out ? And still have throttle body to take off but getting there post-1928-13954287403_thumb.jpg

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Strange that inlet looks later than my v3 uk ,cos my coilpack is in the center

I also thought sti's ran separate coils on each cylinder (my brvs v1 sti does) Mabye it's just the early sti's and newage sti's that do

You have to remove the caps to pull the injectors out but, be careful as when I removed my 380's I broke one as they do get brittle ;-)


I googled v3 inlet looks like this one or it could be from a different one as he has about 3 cars, i have yellow injectors think 440s that's the right ones for a v3 I think what does your one look like,so they just pull out I tried that but they were solid didn't want to pull too hard

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I think after v4 they stopped using 380's (greys) in any turbo'd scoob and used 440's (yellows) in all variations of turbo'd scoob .I think only the v2 v3 and v4 sti's had yellows as standard up till then .

there's a pic of my uk v3 inlet on my project thread with the coil pack in line with the throttle body I'm unsure where v4 coilpacks sit but ,v5/6 sit in a similar location to the one in your pic .a v5/6 inlet won't be compatible with v1 to v4 heads .

Did that inlet come of the engine that was in the car ?


Possibly mate I think someone on here has a v4 sti it might have a offset coil pack .

have you tried offering up the inlet to the heads as the bolt pattern changes from v5 onwards .

just thought I'd mention it in case you ended up painting a inlet that wasn't compatible with your car .


Not tried it Must be a ver4 he defo says it's for the engine will try find a picture of a ver 4 to see I thought ver3 and ver4 were same engines

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It also has a td04 in boot with black intercooler is this correct for v3 and is there not a part nber on inlet I can use to find what type it is

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