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The only problem with the gears and clutch thing is if you know how to use it you get a pretty big advantage. It's almost impossible to keep up with someone who uses manual and clutch if you just use manual with no clutch.

But then again, it is unfair to force someone who normally plays like that to change their play style.

I definitely don't think you should restrict views - again it's what you're used to. I always use in the car view but I also normally swap to the exterior view for the first few corners when we play as it makes it much easier not to accidentally crash into any of you.


I think you should be able to play how you want, though I know there is a distinct advantage with they clutch

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Maybe we should impose a handicap for people who use clutch. Like not being able to start until we lap them ;)


I'm not sure. I can't really see what good it would do I always use bonnet view as a preference I like. Anyone else ?

The bonnet/bumper view is a couple seconds a lap quicker as you ge a better view ahead, if you've gone to the trouble of leveling the playing feild car wise why not sgandardise the view ?

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So I shall stop using clutch then :-) it does give advantage ive been using it for a while now in other leagues. am I the only one to use it?

Yeh longer race in cusco is a good idea

In my opinion I would just use imprezas and not legacys. Think they are too big and heavy to keep up with the imprezas. Just an opinion though


View shouldn't be restricted nor should gears & clutch use imho. As an alternative to brake bias you can adjust all the triggers, pedals and wheel movements in the controller config. It takes a while to get just how you like it, but it can be done.

You can alter the trigger settings but t depends on the car for bias/force settings some cars I go as low as 90% pressure and others it above th 100 so adjusting the controller isn't practical every time

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The in car view is horrible and will cause more accidents than there already is due to the more restricted views. Everyone should be able to use which ever view they are comfortable using


I like the legacies, I've won a few races in them even against the imprezas my the two aborted starts on the ring I was in a B4 and in both starts I was clear out in front at the end of the straight. I won a race lady week in a legacy.

I use bonnet view mostly now. Would be interesting to see how much of a difference in lap times the clutch makes, certainly makes a big one on the start

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It's not quite realistic enough and it's a lot more restrictive, view wise so will cause more accidents. Don't get me wrong it's only my take on it others may love it. I always use bonnet cam have done for ages, I think it's easier to be more accurate through corners and can judge the gap in front better

All the cars worked well as the close leader board shows. There's a mixed bag so something for everyone, not every car is to everyone taste I guess which makes it interesting


I'm not a fan of the inside view looks great on Forza 5 but Forza 4 looks shocking and as said before restricts the view. So I think the verdict is you will have to join the bonnet boys Stanton to level out the playing field ;) 

With the Legacies I've come 1st and 2nd in them I will do some finer adjustments like the street gearboxes and brakes and increase power where it's needed I did feel the s04 was good speed but was horrible on corners but will try look at all these things. 


I've been using in car for ages, always used to use bonnet cam, until the cockpits started looking so great, will try a few laps with bonnet and see how it goes, might even drag the wheel out.


I think with the view just use what is best for you mate I was only joking ;) . even on forza 5 and how good that does look inside the car I still use the bonnet view. 


Everyone has there own favourite view so I don't see how it's fair to make everyone use one single view.

Thinking about it think I won in a legacy too. There are faster in straight lines but no as nimble in corners so guess it evens out. Ignore my comment about them then haha


There's no reason we can't go into the S level is there? As long as the cars handling, launch and acceleration ect are all about the same. This would allow the brakes to be upgraded and the cars to stay with the same balance on performance.


There is a frouping systemni beleive which handicaps can be applied to the fastest if we were all using the same car maybe this would be worth looking into


There's no reason we can't go into the S level is there? As long as the cars handling, launch and acceleration ect are all about the same. This would allow the brakes to be upgraded and the cars to stay with the same balance on performance.

I agree put race brakes on all the cars then there will be no need for extra stuff as they will all still be level cars

There are grip and power handicaps to put on but over the last season I think the cars were proven to be close so don't see the need for it personally


Thats what I was going to do anyway. The extra stuff is to bring any cars upto date if it's needed like dog was on about with the Legacy 


I'm good with the cars as they are, braking would be nice. If there's a wish list I think all cars should have race brakes and street gearboxes just so you can make sure you don't hit the limiter on straights etc. I think most have the gear box.

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Got some updated didn't get chance to test them yet so4 and the Legacy have been tweaked so worth testing them if you get chance

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