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Everything posted by Pommy

  1. Well this job is just turning into a right pain in the !Removed!, got one piston out with a lot of force and wiggling, however the second one was obviously the stuck one and wouldn't budge. No matter what I tried. Phoned up a breaker who is sending out a new (brand new) one for £75. So should be able to get it on by the weekend which is good because I need my car to get to work.
  2. Ok'd the date with RH, and invited people on their FB page down, so far another 2 or 3 have said they will be there.
  3. Irwin bolt grips have save me more than once, just check to make sure you have a replacement bolt on hand or you may have to beg someone to get you one.... Thankfully none of the bolts seem to rusted in and just the one rounded off so far. I always spray all bolts with Plus Gas before starting the job just to help out a little. Seems to work fairly well.
  4. Yeah they used Irwin bolt grips, which I have but only in 16mm and 18mm and I course I needed 17mm. Only took them a couple of minutes and they didn't tighten up mcj so it would be easy to undo. So will give it another go on Thursday probably
  5. Well, I went to do the caliper just now, the top 17mm bolt on the bracket needed a lot of force and hassle to come loose, when that was broken went to the bottom one and it is rounded off completely!! Quick call to Richard Henry and heading up there later to let them have a go. It seems everything the last owner touched is either broken or bolts are seized. Luckily this is the last thing I haven't changed that he did something with, and even luckier he only had the car for 7 weeks so didn't have that much time to do much damage!!
  6. Anyone have the link for the facebook page?
  7. Ah that's unfortunate mate, but hopefully next time. Will get onto Richard Henry about it and put it on their facebook as well, meet more people I guess
  8. We will be there for a while I imagine so don't worry about being a bit late, will be good to see you.
  9. I always dip the clutch anyway, always taught to do that by my parents incase car is in gear!!! And when parked in drive I leave handbrake off and in gear to stop locking brakes.
  10. Ahh that makes sense, I know how brakes work but for some reason in my had always thought that they moved further away from the disc than they do I guess. Not sure why I thought so but oh well. And not bothered about the pads or discs because I already had new ones waiting to be fitted, in fact happy I didn't put them on before this!!
  11. Even if I took the handbrake off? Assuming the pads would only release if engine was on?
  12. Yeah I was going to just change it all, seems more sensible. Parked the car up today when I got home, left the hardbrake on and had a look at the brakes and on both sides the pads were against the discs. is that normal? Out of habit I held the brake and clutch when turning car off so is that normal? Probably a silly question but I have been up since before 6 and as a student that means I'm not functioning well.
  13. Well I have taken the plunge and bought the kit for myself so will be rebuilding them. Got 4 pistons and all seals. Will try to do a write up but may take a while before I have time. Wish me luck
  14. Thinking of just doing it myself. Doesn't look too hard. Just a bit time consuming really. And keen to save as much money as I can.
  15. Have found a seal kit and pistons separately for a lot lot less. Is it ok to buy like that? Or is there something else coming in the full kit that I'm missing?
  16. I will attempt a write up. Will be my first ever so might not be the best!! But will try. Should I get one win pistons? Like this http://www.godspeedbrakes.co.uk/~godspeed/product.php?id_product=150 Or one with just seals like this http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/231152981308?cmd=VIDESC Thanks
  17. What are the upgrade options for the caliper? Already got a 4 pot system and new pads and discs are waiting to go on this week already.
  18. So my problem seems like a caliper then. It is on four pot calipers. So guess I will be rebuilding a caliper soon.
  19. On the way to work and back I have noticed a problem. When accelerating the car is juddering. The brake pedal is much much harder and much higher up the pedal travel. And the front right brake was smoking when I arrived. And I didn't brake heavily or anything like that. And the steering was vibrating at 55mph and above. Could it be a seized calliper? Will have a proper look either tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday depending on time but any info on what to look for would be great.
  20. Good to hear. The more the merrier
  21. 530am isn't a normal start for a student though... so probably need a few extra hours sleep
  22. Yeah we can definitely do that. But we can sort that out more later. Try and get this one done and organised and names and numbers first. Please comment here of available for 6th March.
  23. Fair enough mate. Assumed you were Leeds local. If this meet goes well I will probably try and set up more. At different times and days so we can get as many people as possible.
  24. Yeah if you come through armley. Down the stanningley bypass and then down Leeds road it is very close to the end. Only takes about 25-30 mins from Central Leeds. Not too bad.
  25. You can always come later. Coming down the non motorway isn't as bad normally. I do it for work in about half an hour. Or you can meet at pub? Don't want to start too late because Richard Henry's is staying late for us and close at 530.
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