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Everything posted by Pommy

  1. I'm inclined with the others, too much gold is a bit overwhelming, although a black FMIC with some gold accents could look quite nice if done right...
  2. I would love to go, but right in the middle of my exam dates though so probably shouldn't. Will be up for Japfest 2 assuming there are some people going.
  3. I wouldn't be going there again, I'm sure people would appreciate if you named the garage so other members in your area don't make the mistake of going there. Although I will leave that up to your judgement. Hope it all gets sorted quickly
  4. That's ridiculous, I would go in tomorrow mid morning when they are bussiest and start kicking up a fuss in front of customers. And then if they don't want to take any notice or try and tell you to come back later tell them to expect a letter from your Lawyer as they are in breach of section 13 of The Supply of Goods and Services act 1982 which states 'In a contract for the supply of a service where the supplier is acting in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill.' Obviously they either didn't carry out the service with the reasonable skill or care. And then gently remind them they could be liable to pay losses if you need your vehicle for work as you don't think its safe to drive. I would then start naming and shaming over the internet, assuming they are a independent or small chain this will directly affect their business and they will take notice of it. All of this has worked for me in the past. But it depends on how aggressive you want to be. Saved me £100 on my computer when I got that repaired, agreed to £25 to find problem, went to talk to them and they tried to charge me £125 because they had fixed it, tried to bully me into paying and said they would sell my computer. Started quoting the act and they gave in quickly (different section of the act but covers payment), still tried to charge me £50 but I refused and they agreed to £25. As soon as they realize you know your stuff and aren't the average punter they normally give in as they realize you know whats what. You do have to be able to hold your own if you employ this tactic and not scared of them. It generally works though. As for what is causing the steering wheel to be to one side I am not sure.
  5. That is a bit doubtful then unless they keep all work on a database of some sort. Call the previous owner maybe? Having said what I said before I would expect a metal gasket to last more than 40,000 miles. But as said above everything seems normal with the car so wouldn't worry about it too much.
  6. I would hazard a guess at the head gasket being the gasket between the head and engine block, although not sure. Might be worth a quick call to the garage that did it and seeing if they remember.
  7. I saw the title and just assumed it was a Gambit post without looking!!! Although no help with the tow strap
  8. Looking good, think I will have to start a thread like this over the next few days. Staying with the blue or having a change of colour?
  9. I like that a lot, watching some tutorials and doesn't seem too tricky to do really. Which has lead me to ebay, and looks cheap enough. Now deciding what to cover in my own car... Going to start with the centre arm rest just to try it and go from there I think
  10. I have to say a tidy forester in the right colour is a very attractive car, nearly bought one instead of my Impreza, only reason I didn't was because it was an auto!! From what I know the roads in Japan are much much smoother hence harsher coilovers are ok. But once over here they are too hard. While changing the spring could lower the car it wouldn't do any good to the ride. From what I can see the coilovers are threaded at the bottom so you should be able to lower with the springs you have now with a C-spanner. However this again wouldn't do anything for the ride, apart from potentially make it harder due to shorter spring travel. Personally I would look at getting a new set installed, heard good things about meister R's and looking at getting a set myself over the summer. Fully adjustable and supple for British back roads. There are plenty of other options out there but last time I checked the Meister's are the cheapest of the good range (although that could have changed by now.) They are expensive but can transform your handling, if too harsh you will just bounce around and been thrown off course which is no fun. Just my two cents really. Absolutely gorgeous car as I said
  11. As much as I do want them, and I do, just not pratical at the moment, need to save cash for other parts and also the alley my drive is on is horribly muddy so would require constant cleaning. Sure you will find a buyer soon enough though
  12. I took it out of the drive to straighten it up and the pedal went to the floors, hadn't bled it completely apparently. Went a re-bled it and working as it should be now :)
  13. Got a decent photo of mine today, not the greatest as they haven't been washed much by the looks of them, and don't think they were the same finish as yours but should give some idea,
  14. Well with any luck this saga is over *crosses fingers* got the caliper off, then the disc was stuck so had to use a bolt to free it up, gave the hub a clean and put the new discs, pads and calipers on, forgot to take a photo with the wheel off but took some after a quick wash. And with a camera not a phone so quality is good :) and this is what the passenger side caliper looks like, bit mucky and horrible and not the best photo as the light in my basement is a bit ****. But you get the general idea
  15. Assuming its a similar design to the classic and most other brakes it is a simple enough job, unless of course you have seized pistons and rounded bolts, then it turns into a bit of a nightmare. other than that very simple. Although I would suggest spraying the caliper bolts with a penetrant the night before and then again before you start, makes it a lot easier to get off in they are seized at all. And then copper grease on the anti aqueeze plates
  16. The numbers are getting up slowly. Quite a few not able to make the evening so the next one will probably be a weekend. And got a few of RH locals coming whih should be interesting. And hopefully some good photos come out.
  17. Added to the list, glad you are coming and welcome to the club
  18. Mr B does seem to have put some logic into his thought. And Gambit I have had the same thing with Cusco, so I'm guessing not too cheap either!!
  19. That is very very nice
  20. I would be inclined to agree with Jay, if you want a clean car that is unmolested and in good condition you're looking at £2,000. However I got mine for £1,500, and then had to spend £150 to get it back to good condition (steering wheel and fuel filler pipe) and then a new axle back exhaust was another £120 but only because I didn't like the one that came with it. And then £100 for both rocker cover gaskets. so £1,750 all in for the car to be back to good condition. Bit less money spent but a lot more time. Although I got lucky in the fact that person selling needing the money because he had been made redundant and had a newborn, bad for him but good for me. I drove a couple of cars advertised at £1750ish and they were all ok, all needed little things doing, such as new brakes or axle back exhausts, or with incomplete histories.
  21. Saying that I have a turbo timer, just need to install it. Can't harm the car and can warm it up while on street with doors locked. And looks pretty cool me thinks. I when I was buying I found any turbo that low had problems. The ones advertised from £1700 seemed to be ok though. But the market may have decreased. And always a bargain going somewhere.
  22. Glad we have been of some help. Turbo timer not needed on Subaru as it is air cooled and not oil cooled. Always make sure car is up to temp before using boost. Best way to cool is to stay off boost for last mile or so. Always ask to see what the person you are buying from has done as well. And unmolested should be much more reliable in general.
  23. How do the engine mountings cause wayward steering? I beleive people when they say they do. Just wondering why really.
  24. He sounds like a class A prick trying to just drive off, lucky for man with the van really. At least he decided to pay for it. And no one was hurt. Thankfully I have never had to make a claim yet....
  25. I feel I need to see this video, sounds interesting!! What have I done to my car? Wrestled with a caliper bolt that was stuck and rounded it off nicely.
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