Hey mate, don't think there are may ways to get more power without a re-map, which if it hasn't been mapped before you can either buy a license for it to be re-mapped or a new ecu, similar prices and around 4-500 from what I have read but there are many different threads on that. The general consensous is uprated fuel pumps, injectors decat and then a remap for 300-330ish which is meant to be pleanty in a classic. If running a decat I believe it should already have a map on it to make it run properly (not 100% sure but worth looking into it) there is a guy on here offering remote ECU tuning using your laptop and some of his software, xtremeracingtuning (member on here) I believe it is, never used them or anything but might be worth finding him and chatting to him. His website is xtremeracingtuning.com but again never used him so have no idea about his quality or anything like that.