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Everything posted by Sandals

  1. Yup, my new studs are ebay special... along with the up-pipe. Might just plump for a haywood and scott ready wrapped one from scooby world. Comes with studs already installed. Might as well since I need to take it all apart again!
  2. I blame the studs... and my inexperience!! One of the original studs was refusing to budge... ended up buying an extender and getting my breaker bar on it... was fairly jiggered
  3. I'll need to psyche myself up again to tackle it... took me and a friend pretty much the entire weekend to do it! Most ambitious DIY job i've done on my Subaru so learned a lot, just a pain in the bum will need to do it again!
  4. After another day spent trying to get the up-pipe changed... partial success!! It's fitted, unfortunately the up-pipe between the turbo leaks a little. Not surprising since the studs refused to stay in place and would constantly move when trying to tighten. Anyone know how to properly secure them so I can tighten a nut onto them properly?
  5. Very nice! Welcome to the club!
  6. Phew... just double checked my documents as I'm insured with Flux, mine is provided by ERS.
  7. Interesting, didn't know that. I just assumed like other things the US make, would be of inferior quality XD
  8. Managed to replace my fuel pump with a walbro... half way through changing the up-pipe to a decat one. Biggest difficulty was finding all of the stupid bolts holding on the turbo heat shield! The downpipe bolts were a lot easier in comparison
  9. It said 87 RON on the pump.... which was the cheapest one to choose from, I think the premium stuff was 93 RON
  10. Yeh, i just got back from the states and i felt dirty putting in 87 RON into the hire car!
  11. Ouch! Did they run away or did you get their details?
  12. My press arrived a lot quicker than I expected... instructions were terrible... but i managed!
  13. Ended up buying the 6 tonne press for £59 and a bearing driver kit for £15. So far I have two bearings to sort out, the other one being the bearing in my wife's alternator in her Yaris, a £300 part. If I can replace her bearing, all the kit has paid for itself!
  14. Well this seems very reasonable... https://www.manomano.co.uk/workshop-press/6-ton-hydraulic-heavy-duty-floor-shop-press-high-quality-731064?g=1&referer_id=537135&gclid=Cj0KEQjwt-G8BRDktsvwpPTn1PkBEiQA-MRsBefd7LzxLqV89BRdO01OOTno-SIT3iNfWUXaDigQvVUaAuOM8P8HAQ
  15. Didn't realise I could get a cheap bearing fitting tool... can get a bearing for around £60 quid so buying the cheap tool would still work out cheaper than the garage. Do you have a link for the tool?
  16. £62 to sit a driving test.... around the cost of a tank of fuel!! https://www.gov.uk/driving-test-cost
  17. Might just buy a full hub assembly and try that instead....
  18. I thought the exact same thing.... Unfortunately my bearing is separate so it needs to be done with a press, otherwise I would've done it myself!
  19. Hey guys, At the beginning of the year, my passenger front brake caliper siezed, got that fixed and all is good. Couple of months afterwards, start getting a whine which is purely related to road speed (if I dip the clutch, the noise is still the same). I jacked the car up and manually rotated the wheels and listen for any noise. Only got some slight noise from the same corner that the caliper siezed so I assumed wheel bearing. Just got it back from the garage and they say there is no play in the bearing (or any of the other bearings) and they checked for play in other components but everything was fine. They have advised to let it develop and take it from there. Thing is tho, the noise hasn't gotten any louder in the past month. It's due an MOT in a couple of months so I'll get them to investigate further since they only charged me for the oil and filter change. Anything you guys can suggest that I check?
  20. First time I've ever been given leftover oil from the garage! Less than a litre but still....
  21. Dropped it off at the garage, getting the knackered wheel bearing fixed!
  22. That's just showing off! :D
  23. Since you're in Linlithgow... should check out Andy Forrest
  24. Welcome to the club!!
  25. Car has ticked over 50k miles today!
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