Never use Parcelforce.
Sold my old graphics card on ebay, went to the post office on Wednesday 29/06 and was advised to send it via parcelforce to get proper insurance to cover it and it worked out slightly cheaper as well for the 48 hour service so it was due to be delivered on the 1/7. So on Monday when I checked the tracking to see if it had been delivered, the tracking only showed that it had been collected from the post office and hadn't even made it to a sorting office.
Got in touch with Parcelforce, was advised that it looks like it had been given to the wrong driver... despite it being a large package with a massive Parcelforce label on it. It finally updated on the 4th to say that it had made it to the sorting office which is a whopping 15 miles away from the post office I dropped it off and it got delivered today.
I was advised by Parcelforce via twitter to put in a claim since there was a delay, just found out that my compensation is £2.70... and it will be a cheque. Will cost me more than that to get to the bank to deposit it!! What an absolute joke... gonna complain tomorrow as I feel that £2.70 is an absolute joke, even more so than the fact it took them 5 days to transport a package 15 miles.