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Everything posted by Sandals

  1. Does it feel like the turbos ever kick in? Have you checked for any boost leaks?
  2. There is no doubt I will get one again in the future... this time will start with an STI :D It is nice though driving a car that tells me I have 650 miles to go until empty!
  3. Washed and packed the Subaru up ready for my mate collecting it tomorrow once the wheels are back. Picked up the Mondeo... almost 80 quid to fill it! but almost 600 miles of range apparently. Will be sad to see her drive off!
  4. I just drag and drop my pics directly onto the forums... and they get saved so I can re-use them
  5. Welcome to the club!
  6. Quite a few folk on here have them and rate them highly, I think the 3 litre engine is bullet proof! Welcome to the club!
  7. Hey.... at least I didn't buy a Honda!
  8. My scooby is sold! Didn't take much convincing for my mate to buy it! As of Wednesday, I will be the proud owner of a rather high spec 2007 Mondeo. Very nice, smooth and comfortable... will still have boost as it's a turbo diesel! So I will take her to work tonight one last time, then she will sit on axle stands as the wheels get done again then off she goes to my friend!
  9. I know I'll miss it... but my money could go to better things at the moment. Don't worry though, I'll get another scooby down the road... will go STI next time :D
  10. Well, as much as I love my Scooby I think I'm going to sell her. At this moment in my life I need a sensible and economical (aka boring) car. Not all bad news as the person who has helped me over the past couple of years work on it is looking very likely to buy it... I'll get him to sign up so I may not be as active, but my Subaru will be!!
  11. Probably a sign it needs changed!
  12. This is what I'm referring to... Or in @Tidgy language... little plastic sun blocky thingy :D
  13. My scooby sat parked for over 3 weeks when i went on holiday... fired right up!
  14. Isn't that where the really small and pointless sun visor sits that fills the gap above the mirror?
  15. Everyday is a school day!
  16. It has the WRX spoiler??
  17. You've got at least 2 gallons left!!
  18. Back box side you will need a standard exhaust gasket, on the cat pipe end you will need a doughnut gasket http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Subau-Impreza-Exhaust-Downpipe-Gasket-Cone-Conical-Donut-44022AA123-/352027996258?epid=644946711&hash=item51f680f062:g:xRYAAOSwa~BYUVMb
  19. Welcome to the club!! Def part of an exclusive club with that model!
  20. How much are you short by? As far as I'm aware, the exhausts are the same for blob and hawk... Any pics of the new system?
  21. Welcome to the club!
  22. Just the design really... both are good choices
  23. Not sure tbh... they're so inexpensive I just replace them!
  24. I think the majority of people on here use dry filter types (Pipercross, cosworth etc) K&N is an oiled one which could potentially knacker the maf... I personally use a cosworth (I've also used pipercross) and they are both very good.
  25. Whoops! Mis-read! I would still recommend doing them, there is no downside!
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