My Scuby has had a slight wobble on the steering wheel since I bought it. When I mentioned it to the seller on the test drive he just said "well it's an old car". 2003 but it had only done 69000 miles. The rest of the car seemed good and I thought it would be pretty easy to sort. So I bought it anyway. Since then I've had all the wheels balanced, fitted new brake discs all round, changed the front wheel bearings and swapped the wheels front to back. The wobble still persists and is getting on my t1t5 now. The strange thing is sometimes it seems quite bad and others, hardly noticeable. Is this just a Scuby quirk? Has anyone any ideas what it's likely to be? I'm tempted to buy new front drive shafts and CV joints but obviously don't want to just waste money. Any advice gratefully received.