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Everything posted by Jamina

  1. I moved the reservoir to get a picture of the underneath, the reservoir itself looked okay and pipes that connected around looked okay too. The bracket was a little bit wet, dabbed it with some cloth and no obvious colour so I’m not sure what that is. Thought I was on to something then!
  2. I found this under the power steering fluid reservoir. Is that a perished seal?
  3. Hello, Can anyone help me with where to get a power steering pump for a 2003 Impreza STI? I noticed some juddering the other day turning at low speed which got worse on my way home. Also a whine from engine area which I assumed was PS. PS fluid was low so I topped it up, fluid has deminished again over the last couple of days, whine back and juddering started again. Have check all the hoses & joins with no obvious leaks so I am assuming this is the pump itself that has gone! Any help much appreciated! Thanks James
  4. Definitely worth burping the system, after just 100 miles I would take it back to the garage to check everything was put back properly for peace of mind. The less time/mileage you put on it post the garage swapping the radiator the more likely they will be to take liability if they are at fault in any way. Not that you are trying to play the blame game or anything but obviously you want to make sure that everything has been done correctly, overheating issues picked up and resolved early will save you in the long run! Best of luck :)
  5. Thanks both, that’s good to know. I did see yours, Looks really lovely but I think I have one lined up already I just need to convince the owner to let someone who is going to us it take it off their hands 😂
  6. Thanks Tidgy - That’s seems to be the feedback I’m getting. I am looking for something a little more raw and edgy, it will be a road goer but not a daily so it shouldn’t be an issue. Does anyone have an advice in terms of what to look out for when purchasing one? Any hidden quirks specific to type Rs?
  7. Hi All, looking at getting a type R in the new year, have had a newage STI for 3 years now and a newage WRX before that so not new to Impreza's Anyone who has experience with these would you mind passing on any advice that you have re what to expect? I have done a fair bit of research already but wanted any first hand experience! many thanks
  8. Hi mate, Sold for the asking price some time ago but thank you for the interest.
  9. Great choice - chuck some pictures on if you get a chance
  10. Anthracite, Bronze or Gold
  11. Very smart!
  12. Think as others said it is probably a reflection of the market, from conversations I've had this shape was a little marmite (I personally think it's the best since Blob and would love to have if I had the money) I would try some other forums more active forums and personally always found eBay to be the best way to advertise (I would just avoid placing as a bidder and keep as an advert or you will get time wasters for sure) Also sold a few parts through Gumtree
  13. If its modded then Adrian Flux, Flux Direct or Greenlight who I think will match you NCB for a second car. I'm 23 and no other insurer will touch me haha
  14. Sounds good to me, like i say i'm not looking for the cheapest option - more than happy to invest. Will ring around and see where I get. Ta
  15. I guess I'm not too bothered about the cheaper option it's about creating something that will last. I will start contacting tuners and see what suggestions I get
  16. I can live with that. Plenty of time to get prepared and I would rather plough money into the STI than keep going through different motors. Would still be good to hear from from someone who has gone down this route and any recommendations?
  17. It's an idea that is early in it's life so I wondered if anyone on here has experience in doing something similar and what can I expect in cost to get there? How far power wise can I get with a 2.1 or should I be aiming for a different set up entirely? I do not plan on undertaking any of the work myself, I do not have the experience to even begin something like this so where would you go to get something built that will stand the test of time. I'm not interested in doing things by halves so when this project is undertaken I want to go somewhere reputable. My expectations in the end would be something that could be used as a daily, completely road legal and has as little lag as possible. I am not a BHP chaser but I would imagine it would have to end up about 500BHP-600BHP or I may as well just stick with the stock internals. Current setup is a 53 STI @340BHP Appreciate the feedback all,
  18. Blue on mine too :)
  19. Fair enough - will keep scavenging the internet then
  20. Just out of interest did you ever find a set of these? Here is a link to the American distributor but I can't find anything in the U.K. http://www.visualautowerks.com/product/window-vents
  21. Or to avoid the issue I found a thread where someone located both to the other side of the pipework. Not my picture attached this was from the thread Doesnt look quite as nice though!
  22. Hi, would you mind sharing the link with me to where you bought both the bracket and horns. Can't seem to fine a U.K. Retailer for these?! Having searched this topic I believe it's the PS pipe and others have either redirected (not sure how) or bent the bracket to tuck behind the Perrin one. I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not because of the rad but just an idea
  23. Jamina


  24. Jamina


    I have Brembos on my 2003 WRX STI and can confirm that Prodrive PFF7 alloys 100% fit on mine if that helps
  25. If I personally had the choice between the two motors and mechanically they were equal ie they both had the same amount of wear etc then I would go for a blob [probably bias]. Having driven both I feel like I get a better experience in the Blob, I think I just find a Blob more fun to drive? I would see if you can test drive a couple of Blobs before you make any decisions and perhaps try and test drive PPP vs stock wrx vs lightly modded wrx - low down torque is easily achieved if you invest a little $.It is always a risk changing motor though and what might look like a gem at first could just as easily be a problem in the near future...
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