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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. Am part way through and it is - so far - an informative simple well presented document whcih is easy to supply to others
  2. Wotcha and welcome - lovely looking car - I do like the Hawkeyes!!
  3. looks interesting - will have a read of the full document tomorrow, nice one!! :)
  4. see if you can work something out with this chap and get something really special http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/topic/4052-for-sale-2003-legacy-twin-turbo-wagon/
  5. aaahhh I see - makes it very special indeed then, someone will get something very individual
  6. steer clear of STI wheels though as the hub is different this place may give some ideas http://www.wheelbasealloys.com/# and these will give fitments of different models across the range so you can see what else fits http://www.cars101.com/subaru/tiresandwheels.html http://www.carlsalter.com/subaru-wheel-fitments.html
  7. That was the requirement for some of our Northern members and it has worked out great for them so far :)
  8. fingers crossed for ya ;)
  9. strange it works for me - ill recopy... http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/topic/4030-changing-from-bridgestones-to-falkens/
  10. Wotcha and welcome - I also have had to trade toys for bricks and morter in my time - as you have experienced it does work out with a bit of patience :) Sounds like you have a great basis already - do like the Hawkeyes myself - wrt mappers Andy Forrest comes up alot but a chap that does regular work for members on here is the Jolly Green Monster (JGM) but you could also look at Scooby world in Loughborough they do the ECUTek product. http://www.andyforrestperformance.co.uk/index2.html http://www.jollygreenmonster.com/ http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/index.php?cPath=211&osCsid=bfd1b6aabbadd767be6e2350020fe5c3 There is a garage in Gloucester set up by members on here specialising in Subaru's - MD Performance http://uk.subaruownersclub.com/forums/user/1155-md-performance/ hope this fills in a few gaps in information :)
  11. it is normally through a dealer - I have a mate who sells it - ill ask him for his contact in the NW (its all done regionally)
  12. could be not spooling up - worn bearings, actuator not working / leaking which means will not come up to full boost steadily as boost will be bled off leak some where bleeding boost off do you have a variable boost device fitted that could be failing also? are there any engine fault codes being generated?
  13. Way hay - more new pictures !! - thats great news good on the dealer :)
  14. Nice - same colour as Bips car :) good luck with the sale
  15. Thats a nice selection box you have got there :D
  16. I have taken them off in the past - but kept an eye on things for a bit to ensure the shell is not discolouring a bit of heat wrap would not go amiss if it is easy enough to get access to
  17. is it being used with a full sports system or a sport cat with standard system?
  18. If you are not looking to go OTT - go with Matts suggestion - look around for some STI rims, get a great factory look these can be upto 18" depending on style. Its the old black is slimming ethos - ask any lady with an LBD ;)
  19. nice idea - particularly as you are replaceing a defect with something that works
  20. Wotcha and welocme - rolling radius needs to remain the same for the speedo reading - however you can change it as long as you modify the speedo accordingly - eg get one that uses GPS instead of engine revs / gear selection rolling radius calculation. Black wheels look slightly smaller than they are yoou have plenty of options to choose from possibly even squeezing a 19" rim under your arches having a smaller and therefore stiffer side wall will firm up the ride a little but should also result in a more positive steering feedback
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