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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. Jay762

    ho ho ho

    They have turned out spot on :) worth the round trip
  2. I remember the TG episode - it ranks up there with the programs that get kids out of trouble and into a workshop building then racing from the tarmac up, but as they are primarily volunteer / charity orgs there are not enough of them unfortunately
  3. Yes, it is the one with the breakdown at the end and the slow mo shots
  4. Hi Mario - couldnt get the link to work - did you mean this one with Mark Higgins and his 150 mph fish tail?
  5. jeez what a nightmare - pity they mentioned FATF other films have cars with NOS fitted also ' a witness suggested' - no real proof then just supposition at this point...???
  6. Aah yes that shining beacon of speed and efficiency
  7. its going to take a steady hand to pour it from that distance :D
  8. someones stolen Tims ID :o .... :)
  9. Merry Christmas buddy - have a great 2014!!
  10. The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they said...
  11. yup looks like tweaks to the existing to give him a decent exit http://guardianlv.com/2013/12/fast-and-furious-7-script-is-being-rewritten/
  12. Thats going to sound meaty!!
  13. I had an s13 200sx a while back - the subaru was the first car to put a smile on my face since owning that motor :)
  14. they are Agelis 51's 225 / 60R / 16C
  15. Wotcha and welcome Dave - if you are already maintaining some older cars the Fozzie should be no problem for you
  16. Running Mich Agelis on my van - they may have changed the compound as have done 15k on them so far mostly Mway miles, just swopped front to rear to stretch replacement, grip is excellent though particularly in the snow, had no problems when the snow has hit over the last couple of years
  17. oh dear no accounting for taste - would be ok if they were functional but I get the impression that is purely for looks
  18. flywheel skimming at the same time is a wise move - ensures optimum clutch operation and stops uneven wear
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