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Everything posted by Tidgy

  1. Not sure, 2004 was java black pearl, http://www.subaru-impreza.org/downloads/impreza2004.pdf
  2. GH = hatch GR = wide body hatch, aka sti
  3. GDA. = 2.0L Impreza WRX saloon (New Age) trim code = interior colour, so black in your case option code = i think EC might be manual, but not much info around on the exact meanings colour code = paint colour o and must be a UK car, the vin on my type R i s GC8-####### which is a japanese vin number
  4. only ever made concept pictures but harrier did get thought of as being upgraded should have done a carrier eurofighter
  5. From what i can gather alot of the cost increase has been the gov changing from vert to catapult, to short take off. There was a program to make the eurofighter carrier usable but that got shelved a while ago. All the eggs went on the F35 and its a !Removed!, jack of all trades master of none
  6. F35 is planned to be used but way behind, last i heard 2020 is current expected service date, first carrier is 2017, total cluster fook.
  7. hmm, i do need a new bumper on the volvo, and tjhat dog that ran out in the road is a right menace,,,,, lol
  8. Time for me to have a go. So todays choice of subject, Supermarket dawdlers and lunch shopping. Picture the scene, you have survived the morning of starvation and slavery and Lunch time has arrived. You decide the best plan of action is to pop to the supermarket to get something nice rather than go to the mega unhealthy and overpriced canteen and the usual plate of chips. You pull into the carpark at the super market full of hope for the small and quick shop ahead. You walk across the carpark, pick up a basket and head for the entrance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and bang, you get stuck behind some old codger doing 1 spm (1 step per minute). Ok fine, we all get old can wait a few extra seconds to get in. After what seems like 4 decades has been added to your life, you can finally go into second gear and over take the old dear. Your promptly greeted by a wall of people running at you at 2000mph trying to exit 1 second before someone else, trolleys vying for the leed in what can only be described as a demolition derby. WIth cat like reflex's you dodge the onslaught and manage to get into an isle that isn't like a seen from a zombie apocalypse escape scene. You spot what your looking for and some daft cnut, looking at which box of oxo to get from the 500 identical ones, not only that, the fact they have stopped with the trolley blocking half of the shelf. So you arrive at your destined shelf, still its blocked, you wait politly, you wait some more, still waiting, FFS pick a box already, still waiting,,,,,,,,,finaly you say 'excuse me' they ignore you, you can't possibly be talking to them, you wait even more, finally you say in a very loud voice 'excuse me, can I get to the shelf please'. You get a meek 'o sorry' back and they finally move their trolley just enough so you can stretch so far you put your back, shoulder, arm and wrist out but you manage to get what you want. Hazzar, time to break for the exit. hahaha, really? you really thought that would be the end of it???????? So you hunt for an isle that isn't a scene from raw hide and make decent progress to the check outs. Being lunch, the que is about 50 deep, only 5 out of 20 checkouts on mind you, but at least your on the home stretch. You stand patiently, first couple of people look professional and don't hang around, must be on their lunch as well'. Then you spot them, the moment your heart sinks into the point of no return from totally despair, the the 1spm brigade, they have all day to go do their shopping, but no , they pick the one time where people are gonna be in relative hurry to get in, get lunch, get back to the office. They finally get far enough forward to load items onto the conveyor at 1IPM (Item per minute)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You be the patient and polite person, wait, wait some more, go get your hair cut cos it's grown 3 foot while you have waited, then finally arrive at the checkout. Assuming the attendant isn't a complete c*ck and puts up the 'checkout is closing sign', they scan your items in 10 seconds flat, you pay in 5 seconds and bolt for the door. By this time, round 2 of the dinner brigade are entering and the stampede is on to exit, your their fighting your way through trolleys, avoiding cosmic size crash's. And just as you arrive at the door, 'beep beep beep beep' and security holds the flow. The sudden stop of the people at the front backs up, the crash and bang of the train wreck behind signals all hope for a quick exit has gone. Of course its the trolley with the most items on it that has triggered the alarm, a trolley so full that a panamax ship couldn't even carry all of it, but security insist on checking each and every item off the list, the roll of the receipt is 5 foot long, £235 and 293 items,,,,,,,,, But finaly a break, a true light of salvation, the other door, the original mass entry point has gone quiet. You check around you for space, there is daylight, you take off like Usaine bolt. You hurdle, one, two then three trolleys, making Aries Merritt look like an enthusiastic amature and the sunlight hits your face as you finaly reach the carpark, get to your car and get in. As you sit, you let out a battle cry so loud they hear it back at the office, braveheart had nothing on you as you yell at the top of your voice 'Freedom!!!!' FFS people, if you want to browse, dont go at lunch time you bunch of inconsiderate ingrates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and breath
  9. at the min i think its an easy target for anything tbh given its lack of planes lol.
  10. hola :)
  11. she's a big owd ****** ain't she :o shame we have fook all to go on her lol
  12. how do you know :o hahaha
  13. hmm, bit out of my 'toy gadget' range :(
  14. nah grey has left that slow blue thing for dead :D lol
  15. rebuild is the solution on mine. Was always gonna need it, done 105k, just trying to save for a house so not the best of times to need to chuck 4k at an engine lol
  16. Tidgy

    note to self

    In the control panel there some tick settings you can turn off the bits you dont want lol
  17. Where i got my type r from, which the engine has just gone on, although had it 7 months. you have issues with yours?
  18. nope def grey,,,,, hahahaha
  19. Tidgy

    note to self

    Turn off email notifications to replied posts hahahahahahaha
  20. Silver is a close,,,,, ish, second,,,,,
  21. yeah 5w-40 seems to the current recomendation? you get your car from hurst by the way?
  22. hmmm, im still not convinced, my car is same colour as this, so i retract my previous Bull Sh*t statement, grey is def the fastest colour :D
  23. think hey have change the recomendation to 5w - 40 now, best bet give em a bell
  24. looking good :D
  25. o yeah by the time you put RR time on etc No, tbh i think alot of the syvecs modules are silly money, £450 for a two inch screen is a bit much IMO, I've bought a asus memopad and gonna bluetooth it up to the android software when it's released, still gonna be over £350 for the setup, but a much bigger screen and can play games on it hahahaha
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