As above,little to no point. Gonna be a big expence for very poor gains compared with a wrx.
Best bet wait, get another year of no claims + save the difference and then look into it.
I;ve got canal boat hire and garden shed sales hahaha
I was looking at french canal boats hols and sheds, so question is, what were you looking at to get that???????
yet to see any console have multiple 1000 player space ship fleets fighting it out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
back onto topic.
Im a bit disapointed you can;t set up a car theft empire, cant even sell stolen cars :(
read above, mine still looks pretty good and doesnt sutter at mid settings and 1920x1080 :)
I do have a SSD as well though, but it isnt installed on that
Lmao, am i that transparent?
yeah i got it hahaha.
Disaster struck though, my mouse packed up so only managed to play for ten mins :(
just got back form PCworld after buying a new one lol