Good day all!
First show of the year will soon be upon us. This is a fantastic start to year and I would say not to be missed.
All members are invited to the buy tickets and park up on the S.O.C stand area. Its a great chance to meet fellow members and see the biggest selection of Jap car !Removed! the year will likely offer. Lots of trade stands and track action and you even get a free T Shirt . The Japfest site sells it better than I can so have a look
To secure your place on the S.O.C stand, make sure you click the below link which takes you straight to the Club Tickets section. Simply click the tab and the rest should be self explanatory. Once you have selected Subaru Owners Club you'll need the below password.
Password - 111.275
New cut off date 2nd April
Ill be the first to add my name to the list and hope to see you there . Questions, let me know.
Legacy dave
Sparky +1 (Sarah)