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Well, reflectors arrived but I didn't realise they also hold bulbs?? So they are of no use to me :( . Thinking about having black ones so will probably go for them


Odd ! You been sent some usdm ones instead ?


Yesterday I replaced the front discs and pads and then went for a nice drive with the wife and we had a carvery in a nice little country pub.

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Today I've just fitted a new fuel level sender unit in the petrol tank, let's hope it sorts the erratic level indications out, half tank showing but fuel light on, the 10 seconds later needle is at bottom but light isn't on. CEL has been on and off too, showing over voltage to the sender unit.


Toying with an oil and filter change. And clutch fluid but just pi$$ed it down :( 


Been out for a drive, I think it's all sorted now. New brakes seem to be bedding in well too

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Glad to hear it 


Well did the oil and filter with a trapped nerve in my neck in more pain than I have ever been in :( . Even coming off the motorbike didn't hurt this much :( 

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Fitted the new reflectors, indicators and tax disc holder :) . Also started Geocaching! :ph34r:

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Made an offer on a turbo...don't expect it to be accepted, but have offered the max I can.

What will be, will be [emoji6]

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Thought you'd stopped !

If I was your missss id have either chopped you hands off by now or dis cinnected the internet :-D

Did you see the thread matt started the other day about the acutions ? Couple of nice fozzies on page 2

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Lol no I didn't see that thread....where's that mate? [emoji1]

I'm only pursuing better than I have within budget now mate [emoji57]

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Geocaching is in it's simplest form... a treasurehunt. You get a location and a clue then go find this "cache"  which usually contains a log book to sign. You sign it and put it back where you found it. Just a bit of fun really :) .


excited for next week, boost gauge arrives! Hell yeah :P


My folks used to do something similar years back on dartmoor. Uesd to go into a local pub pick up a clue, head up onto the moors go to a tor hunt round, usually an ammo box stashed away with a pad and stamp to prove you'd been and the next clue in the bottom of he box.

Is it uk wide or are you just in a specific area ?


I fitted a new front indicator lens and clean the car up a bit.Did what I could with what weather we had today lol its the first time ive had a look at it properly since we bought it.Tomorrow I hope to find my exhaust leak and have it sorted.


Polished and waxed today then wasted a load of time trying to find out if 2000 impreza or in fact any shocks would fit my forester as new ones cost a nut.


Yeah weather's not been that bad here..morning was wet but rest of the day was spot on :)


Washed and buffed mine yesterday and the wife's as I'm not allowed a clean car if hers is dirty [emoji41]

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Polished and waxed today then wasted a load of time trying to find out if 2000 impreza or in fact any shocks would fit my forester as new ones cost a nut.

What you after ? full set or just rears. KYB do struts for reasonable prices, probably around £80 for a SF model, Monroe or Sachs are other options. If rear currently Self levelling you would need springs too which can be KYB at £40 a pair or better quality/spec springcoil at around £100 a pair with varying spec to improve handling, adjust height or cope for heavy loading/towing etc.

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What you after ? full set or just rears. KYB do struts for reasonable prices, probably around £80 for a SF model, Monroe or Sachs are other options. If rear currently Self levelling you would need springs too which can be KYB at £40 a pair or better quality/spec springcoil at around £100 a pair with varying spec to improve handling, adjust height or cope for heavy loading/towing etc.

Cheers for that mate.the old self levelling suspension is absolute rubbish so I'm just going to lower it slightly just enough to get rid of the horrible feeling of tipping when I go round a corner :) i will have a look tonight hopefully get them sorted and fitted by next weekend


Thought you'd stopped !

If I was your missus id have either chopped you hands off by now or dis connected the internet :-D


or made a outbound blocking rule "XT" or "Turbo" in the firewall :lol:

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