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Went to get my new exhaust and decat, OEM Re-circ valve put back on and new fuel pump fitted today plus map. But because it's me and I have no good luck whatsoever it didn't go as planned.

No matter what J Performance say on their website, that exhaust is not made to fit the Impreza. No !Removed! way. And if it is, when making it they must make it all by eye and not use any measurements at all, everything on it was out in some way or another. Thankfully Gaz at GR Performance has got mad skills. Took some time but he made that sucker fit. Some new/altered brackets, and a cut and weld and it was sorted. He did an absolutely amazing job on the welds too, they looked mint! Couldn't be happier with them. Still a further £150 wasted due to the work involved getting it to fit.

Once we fired it back up with the exhaust on and giving the car a quick check over found I was right in my belief it was blowing somewhere after all. The up pipe is !Removed! and is blowing. Brilliant... So now I've ordered one of those Harvey Smith Up Pipes I've heard so much about and had to leave it with him. Hopefully, all going well and as long as no further probs are found I'll be getting it back next Saturday.


Yep I'm feeling this pain at the minute too every and anything seems to be going wrong with the Bugeye :( 

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At least I'm not the only one... PITA. Getting irritated now though, not been able to drive it properly for a couple of months and everything I try to doesn't go right or brings up more problems lol.

At least that up pip isn't too expensive, about £125 plus fitting. And that pipe should give me a better spool from what I've read about it so that's good plus I was planning on getting it in the future when upgrading the turbo so not all bad, still another expense I didn't want just yet though.


Thanks guys got me a nice new set of verdenstien ultrac sessanta's to go on when done as well! Can't wait lol

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Looking at getting some Vac hoses in pink (to match the strut brace) although I've no idea where to get some from? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also... towards a stainless manifold and up pipe?

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Latest pair of internal decals added ahead of NBO12 [emoji2]



Not bad for £2.49 the pair from fleabay

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Amazing how many imperfections you find when flatting back after high build primer!!!

Did I mention I hate sanding!! Lol



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How much more do you have to do? Looks like a fine job if that makes you feel any better? lol.


Also it's very quiet lately, what's everyone doing? :P


In still here. Wife has my car today so I'm at home, she's taken mine after some creep followed us as we walked around a local nature reserve he kept ducking in and out if bushes in a really crap attempt I stay hidden. It was almost cartoon like, only real so we called the police. Anyway she didn't want to drive her car as that's the one we were in at the time. Hence I have no car today. But off to South Wales in it tomorrow.

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Still got another coat of primer. Then more sanding.Then paint..probably 2 or 3 coats. Then 2 or 3 coats of Laquer with wet ɑnd fry inbetween each!! Tedious! Lol


In still here. Wife has my car today so I'm at home, she's taken mine after some creep followed us as we walked around a local nature reserve he kept ducking in and out if bushes in a really crap attempt I stay hidden. It was almost cartoon like, only real so we called the police. Anyway she didn't want to drive her car as that's the one we were in at the time. Hence I have no car today. But off to South Wales in it tomorrow.

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Some freaks about :blink: . I'd have been tempted to have hidden in the bushes myself wait till he started to run to catch up and crack the prick one.  :angry: Surprised the  dogs didn't growl at him :( 


I photographed him and his car, plus he's in the dash can as we drove in. I was all for getting the big 4D Battery Mag light out of the boot and going to have a "quick word". But the wife was freaking out and just wanted to leave. The dog is a spaniel they aren't aggressive at all so he wouldn't do anything. I'm iff up there tonight in my car see if he's there, I might have. a word if he is[emoji48]

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Still got another coat of primer. Then more sanding.Then paint..probably 2 or 3 coats. Then 2 or 3 coats of Laquer with wet ɑnd fry inbetween each!! Tedious! Lol



I know mine need doing again but I think I will send them away to be done :) 


Shocks haven't arrived and some slags have scratched my car in the car park not a happy bunny atm plus the tint on my back window has been scratched off a bit from the inside


That's creepy, might just have been doing it as a joke but it's just silly. Glad nothing came of it though :) .


That is very tedious BUT at least it's only one more stage of sanding right?


Sorry to hear that James, is it really bad? I really try to avoid parking in the Subaru now, if I have to then I park miles away from any other cars lol.


That's creepy, might just have been doing it as a joke but it's just silly. Glad nothing came of it though :) .

To be fair, I'm 6'3 and 18st, and with a foot and a half long metal maglight weighing over a kilo in my hand. I think if anything had of come of it it wouldn't have likely gone in his favour.

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Just seen on a subaru page on facebook that a 52 plate has been recalled from the main dealer over corrosion on the wishbone wondering if anyone else has had this call???


Jonny, I feel your pain did a set of split rims once all in took nearly three days a wheel, never again im with gambit in paying for someone else to do them next next, still they do look good

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