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Picked up my touch up paint from dealer, got my immob code and confirmation my outback has had it's recall check done already [emoji106]

They have a new wrx outside for sale. Offered to drive it round the area for them to promote it for free if they're struggling to shift it....didn't take me up on the offer [emoji14]

Didn't work when I asked for the STi as a courtesy car [emoji20]


What a complete and utter waste of time that 140 mile round trip was

to see a battered v2sti :-(

Had a mark on every pannel

the rear arches had been rolled with a house brick

the roof had dents and missing paint where the scoop had been ripped off

front splitter was completely missing

Both bumpers , side skirts and rear quarters needed repainting

and the engine "apparently" didn't need a head gasket it "was just the rad cap leaking " why was it obviously pushing water out of the overflow bottle then as they're was rusty water stains everywhere .

Didn't even start it up just laughed at him, held my gym monkey brv back (from ripping his arms and legs off and beating him to death with the soggy ends) and told my brv on the way home that I'd use his much cleaner v1sti Shell instead .

Far from mint I'd say

well back to plan A ,re Shell mine with my brvs v1sti Shell


If it was a mint it wasn't a polo ....

Cos they only have one hole in em [emoji4]

Not too fussed had a good chat with my brv and will be getting his cleaner older Shell soon for scrap value prices [emoji6]

Every cloud and all that [emoji4]


Washed my car yesterday, looks the part again now. Going to put the Prodrive sticker on the front splitter I think when I get chance.


Today been to an autojumble for a look around with my brother then on the way back I showed him how good the tyres are.


Good weekend so far :)


Just off to wash and Hoover the two girls ready for the week ahead. Might even wave a little wax over if the weather holds up [emoji3]

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk


Ive been stripping down my centre console for a good scrub to get rid of all the dirt and rubbish that falls down between the gaps

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I hate that, fortunately the XV doesn't have many big gaps. I do hate that bit down the side though between the console and the seat you can never get the Hoover down, you know the one, it's the one you drop your only pound coin down when you're at the car park kiosk and there's a cue of traffic behind you [emoji5]️

Sent from my iphone using Tapatalk


Good thing about mine being an import all the electrics are in the doors,where as uk cars I've seen have window and other switches plus low ratio box gubbins in the centre. 4 screws and the lots un done and out.

Unfortunately none if my replacement parts have arrived this weekend due to courier incompetence so I've been sat twiddling my thumbs :'(

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Usual stuff with smaller number plate finishers and bits like that. Usually has better standard equiment, more power don't have an alarm fitted as standard.

Mine has large forester on the back instead of subaru lettering. The chassis numbers are shorter plus it's a 97 car, will say on your v5 if unsure too


Got a early finish from work so thought I'd fit my new splitter I didn't have chance to do over weekend.

As per usual nothing I do on cars is simple even when it's what's meant to be a easy job :( . Went to remove first bolt and... Snap! Bugger! Went to next one and felt same so decided to leave it. Haven't got a good way of raising it off the ground to drill them out and not messing about taking bumper off so going to ask Martin to do it for me when I see him on Saturday instead lol. Or at least ask to borrow his lift.


Gutted !

I'll see you Saturday then, I'm gonna get them to fit all my bits as I had to modify my spring compressors for the mazda rendering them useless for the foz :-(


I just add a call from a Lovely sounding lass from Subaru UK. A few months ago i requested a brochure for the new Impreza, was feeling a little noisy. Anyway, I told her that I'd prefer one of the new legacies or outbacks rather than an impreza. So she's sending me a brochure for the new outback and asked me if she could call me back in a few weeks to see what I thought. lol, yes, i will be honest i only spoke with her because she had a lovely soft English accent and sounded very cute.

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You're a very naughty boy!  :lol:


Why didn't you give her my number?  :P


lol, might be naughty and offer her mine if she calls me back hahah.


edit, damn thats never gonna work, she's already called me on mine... hahha


Went to the local sorting office this morning, based on information on the USPS tracking site. It said my order from the US of A had cleared customs, was with the post office, but attempted delivery had failed on Saturday morning at 08:56 due to fees to be paid.


That's fine I thought, but there was no card through the door and I was up and around at that time but no postie called. So off I went to the local office, who checked their stash there and systems, only to tell me they have no record of such package.


Not happy was I......anybody able to shed any light on this based on experience of importing parts from the US?


USPS site currently states the following: "Your item could not be delivered on August 16, 2014 at 8:56am in United Kingdom due to payment of charges. It is being held while the addressee is notified.


Held?.....where FFS??


Notified.....by who exactly and how long dare I wait before it gets returned to sender??


!Removed! post....grrr...rant over


Import duty i`m afraid Dave.........usually you have to go to the depot to collect whatever it is and pay the import tax.


Import duty i`m afraid Dave.........usually you have to go to the depot to collect whatever it is and pay the import tax.


Yes mate, I was expecting to have to pay that and factored it into my calcs......I'm more concerned about the process and it not being where logic would tell me it should have been, plus no attempted delivery at home despite what the tracking site says


Ignore the post office and deal with UPS direct. We get it a lot with dhl at work so ring UPS pay and await goodies


I buy and sell records.......not criminal.......rare soul  45`s :lol:

I got stung for £60 on one record a while ago and also had to drive 20 miles to pick it up, I was fecking fuming!

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