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Everything posted by JusNoGood

  1. It's scary to think how many arguments I had with mates back in the day lol
  2. No mate, I meant I got you ranting about my rant [emoji3] I've got nothing against dogs I just saw the rant about cats and thought I know how to get people started [emoji16]It's funny isn't it that we can get people passionately ranting quite easily...mention Xbox to a ps owner...iPhone to an Android nut, C64 to a Spectrum fan, cats to dog owners and visa versa, BMW to a Scoob fan. Love it [emoji4]
  3. Funny thing is it's my birthday and I chose to come here for a therapeutic rant before checking out my Facebook timeline everyone seems to be spamming me on. What's that !Removed! all about? Can't the be bothered phoning?
  4. That's got to mean I won surely [emoji2] Ps I hate other people's kids. Can be my best friends kids, still hate'em...spoilt brats with their better phones than me...got don't you hate that, my 9 year old daughter has an iphone6...wtf!!!
  5. Saw a **** on the m25 the other day with no rear lights. Headlights were on! I can understand one being put but both? Dogs why? Can't even !Removed! walk themselves...idiots the lot of them. All they do is stick up the house with BO, farts and **** smelling food. Yes, what is it with motorway drivers? M25 is four lanes in a lot of places now so I do a fair bit of undertaking with cars in the third lane and me in the far left lane...and I'm doing 70!
  6. A friend had a fiat coupe 20v turbo from new...if I remember he had it for a good 10 years. He had loads of problems in the last few years but it was fine for the first 6 ish.
  7. That's a really good point. You do need to look over it with that in mind....and if I were you I'd keep £500-£1k for any incidentals....you probably won't need all of it but if you have that in reserve you won't be disappointed you bought a 20 year old car and something's gone wrong with it :)
  8. Worst looker was Ford Cortina 1.6L estate in highland green! Worst for road holding was my MG BGT So my list.... Ford Cortina estate 1.6L MG BGT Rover P6 V8S Triumph Herald convertible Alfa Romeo GTV Subaru Impreza GX bug eye Toyota Innova 7 seater (when in India) Honda Civic Sport Subaru Impreza WRX Alfa and GX were brand new. Others range from 10-39 years old at the time of ownership! Nice buying new but much more fun having something a bit more interesting [emoji3]
  9. I've got it on iPhone. I'm very pleased with it too...no need for another Satnav..
  10. I have the copilot app on my phone as my satnav, traffic and speed camera warning device. I've turned off the turning messages but left on the vocal warnings for speed cameras...which is quite handy when you're in a new area.
  11. Nice. Where you moving to mate? Worthing? Littlehampton? I go to visit my family in Rustington and Arundel...A24 is a great road for an Impreza [emoji3] Wheels could need balancing or tracking done. The extra safety of the AWD is worth the little less MPG you'd get from a Honda or Ford. Especially at this time of year.
  12. Tricky though isn't it...I'm sure a lot of people would just turn off and not watch if Ferrari and/or McLaren pulled out. Does anyone remember the docu following Eddie Jordan? Not surprised he sold out in the end, incredibly stressful begging for money to do the next race or season with companies first agreeing to sponsor then backing out.
  13. That's a lot more reasonable....where was that done mate?
  14. ah yea nice. I was thinking I'd probably buy some 2nd hand prodrives instead of paying the £320 for tarting up boring standard wheels. Are you a member of SurreyScoobies.co.uk ? Great set of guys with loads of local knowledge.
  15. She hates to drive it so I make her especially when we go to the pub ;)
  16. I found someone in Crawley who came highly recommended. They sand blast, then repair, then three layers of paint then layer of lacquer. I think it was £65+vat a wheel! http://www.wheelworksuk.co.uk/faq.php#howlong I've not used them yet but the guy on the phone was very helpful and gave me the impression they'd do a great job....just can't bring myself to spend 320ish (incl vat) for all four!
  17. bout 5 mins when the mrs drives it then
  18. Looks great. How long does it last on wheels?
  19. That is shocking driving...life threatening!
  20. I was considering a 911 before I bought my scoob...just couldn't get over the fact everyone else would think Im a tw@t :) and I'm not normally one for bending to peer pressure. Has to be a 4S or a Cayman if you go for one. Can't be a Coxster....even other Porsche owners hate them lol
  21. I think I saw your for sale thread and those seats look a load better mate. Humm interesting. I have heard the classic seats are better than new age for comfort. Have you driven a new age?
  22. Yea they do look very nice
  23. how much did that cost and have you a pic please? :)
  24. thanks mate. Especially for the pic. Except for the label they look identical to my current seats :D
  25. I had a bog standard GX for 6 years and it stuck to the road in snow, rain etc....,.just saying :) I personally wouldn't update a thing as its not exactly a rapid car. I'd save the money and get a turbo later if I were you. Each to their own and all that. It's your money Afterall [emoji3]
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