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Everything posted by Sandals

  1. Fixed! It was the brake pads... when I held them I was able to wiggle them slightly, so took them out checked everything and reseated them, seemed pretty solid, went for a drive and no clunk! I did however notice that one of the pistons is missing a metal ring, see pic below... it's the bottom right piston. Anyone know what it is and should I be worried?
  2. The closed beta was for multiplayer only which was a bit meh... I would've much preferred it if it was more like Quake or Unreal tournament. Instead they've made it like CoD, you have a loadout and perks n stuff. I immediately started off with a rocket launcher and a double barrelled shotgun! Would much rather start with a pistol and then it's a mad dash to find better weapons! Game runs really well and looks great, I'm buying it for the single player anyway!
  3. After a lot of googling... it seems this is a surprisingly common issue and it mostly points to brake pads. Apologies for righting that off so quickly!! I've ordered a new set of caliper pins because they are pennies so will give that a shot, could be because my old calipers were genuine subaru ones and the new ones are WRX Pro so could have a little bit more room for manouvre?
  4. Of drop links? Think these are the ones on my front... http://scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=39_274_322_345&products_id=2640
  5. Are you sure it was for your model? Mine was very easy to install... :D
  6. I would imagine so... my brakes used to squeel but that has gone now. I'll give the drop links a shove and see if it clunks. Cheers for the input guys!
  7. Def not the brakes, the calipers were replaced but the discs and pads were not (pads are brembo) as they were replaced in January. They did point out a few months ago that there was a small amount of play in my anti-roll bar bushes... could be that?
  8. Just get my calipers replaced yesterday and then today I am getting a clunking sound whenever I put my foot on the brake, I put it down to the brakes since they had just been sorted so dropped by the garage and they looked at it immediately. After them looking at it for the best part of an hour, checking various parts, cleaning various bits and couldn't find anything wrong, they seem to think it is suspension related. It doesn't knock when going over bumps or anything, only does it when I apply the brakes. It's booked in for a week on Monday but it would be greatly appreciated if anyone has any ideas so I can jack the car up and wiggle bits to see if I can replicate the clunk!
  9. In what way is it bad design?
  10. Who's doing your remap?
  11. Black and red gets my vote :D
  12. Front calipers now replaced, a nice shiny silver!! Will need to paint them now as they make my back ones look grotty! Fitted my PIAA wipers as well... just as the sun comes out!
  13. Welcome to the club! I've used chips away before and are very good... you can email them a picture and they will give you a quote! https://www.chipsaway.co.uk/
  14. If you're willing to do it and take some pics I'm sure it will help some people out!
  15. Out of curiosity... what does the JDM cluster have that the UK one doesn't?
  16. Yeh that might've helped!! Yeh you could sell it or just install it... stiffens up the front a little :D
  17. If it's real carbon fibre i'm sure it will be worth at least 50 quid... weird how the plates are removed. Are they possibly still installed on the top of your strut towers?
  18. Fife, near Dunfermline. I use Scoobyworld or scooby parts. There are always bits for sale in the classifieds on here as well!
  19. Looks good to me! Where about in Scotland are you?
  20. Welcome to the club! Always a pleasure to see a fellow Scot! Pics are required btw...
  21. Exactly! Not sure... I know the classics fuel tanks are pretty small
  22. Yeh I think computers are a little optimistic to make it look better... it's pretty easy to work out with a 10 gallon tank :D
  23. Welcome back buddy! I've missed all the lewd comments and double entendres...
  24. Paypal is perfect mate, I'll PM you now
  25. At least the seller was nice about it... it would've taken some amount of force to dent it like that!
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