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Everything posted by Jay762

  1. It certainly should be - keep us posted as to the final outcome
  2. Will watch out down by me - do you have a reg number, it may help
  3. Wotcha and welcome - sorry your introduction to the forum is under these circumstances It does sound like the head gasket has gone, the oil in the coolant may have something to do with the level however it may be symptomatic of a cracked head / liner and oil is getting into the system that way. You mention oil temp guage - do you mean the one on the dash by the rev counter / speedo, if so Im pretty sure this is a coolant temp guage and would shoot up if there is limited coolant going around your system, there may be an air lock or also the thermostat may have failed which would stop the flow
  4. Wotcha and welcome - some P1 examples for 6 - 8 - 10k at the moment, various mileages but all look in very good condition - for this type of project I would consider getting the drive shaft machined or one of the carbon fibre ones made up. Keep us posted whatever way you decide to go - that Avatar is great made me genuinely laugh out loud
  5. very nice, but I am of the make your own history school of thought - completing your own mods builds a connection with the vehicle that off the shelf doesnt seem to have - no emotional investment or sweat equity
  6. Will have to talk to Steve there might be scope for a limited run of Pink... :P
  7. Wotcha and welcome - looking good!!
  8. That is a great clip - me to I would have been adrenaline stage brown!! :o
  9. Jay762


    Quote from Max "Ok I have posed for the photo now give me the chocolate!!" :D
  10. That looks awesome you got your pink accessories - I think what may work also is some pink S.O.C stickers and pink calipers - just to balance things ;)
  11. wee man now on my list to watch - your previous post about 4 cats alone in house just generated too many !Removed! jokes and I shut down but Zonda is an awesome name might have to plagurise that for my next dog :P
  12. yep loving the sofa pic - we had a staffie as well, great dogs
  13. Wotcha and welcome - looks like the subaru is the ideal car for Brazilian roads, I like the Anthracite wheels over the gold though but I am biased as I have just had mine done that colour. Loads of friendly advice on here and we do like photos so feel free to start your own project thread and share the progress :)
  14. A youngling you are - a very good rate you have :)
  15. Wotcha and welcome Kirky - a lot of questions there and some more experienced classics owners will be along in a while to put your mind a rest - hopefully 13 - 15 psi is around 1 bar - that is fine running as standard I dont know about the pill or the ECU wrt the other standard components - as you havent had the car from new it will be hard to say at what point the standard components will give out due to wear blockage etc. WhatI would suggest is if the car is running fine as is and you want to spend money ensure the car has been serviced - good oil filter, possibly injectors clean, plugs swap,clean the K&N and then look at handling - brakes and suspension then plan upgrades in power
  16. yeah B22 has had a tuff month scooby wise, unfortunate
  17. I would be to that looks like a top job
  18. blow torch and some swearing - you should be sorted :D
  19. Same here dont think the AVCS was installed on the engines that early
  20. Jay762

    dash cams

    Yup that worked no problem - didnt get any sound, dont know if that was supposed to be like that but video footage was fine
  21. Jay762

    dash cams

    Its set as private chum - cannot play
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