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Everything posted by stuartie

  1. This is the site i used when converting my coil packs https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.jamessimpson.co.uk/classic-impreza-new-age-coil-pack-conversion/amp/ I'm sure a got a full set of them from the bay with the pigtail wires already on for about £90 👍
  2. Yeah i upgraded the coil packs on mine when i had the engine out and they were really easy to wire in i've still got the destructions somewhere I'll dig them out and post it for you so you have something to reference to 👍
  3. I think you'll have a coil pack on each cylinder so if one was starting to fail you would get a misfire, if you take them off one by one and check if there are any cracks in the outer casing as that can cause the spark to arc off the cam covers
  4. Under what kind of driving conditions is it happening, does it feel as though it's fuel and are there any warning lights on the dash, if its happening under full throttle and max boost it could be fuel cut if it's overboosting this would cause it to cut out then start again once the boost pressure has lowered also if the fuel pump is stopping sporadically then it may well work when tested so could still be that 👍
  5. Could be the fuel pump beginning to fail
  6. Not really clued up on the newage stuff but that looks like a pipe for an egr valve alot of folks get them mapped out and blanked off but i'm not sure if an egr would be fitted to your car, hopefully someone with a little more knowledge of the newer motors will be along to confirm if i'm right or not 👍
  7. Look what arrived today 😁 Hopefully they will be on soon 👍
  8. Yes its all one unit and if you plug it back in with the battery still disconnected it shouldn't bring the light on as the ecu won't have registered that it has been unplugged, the spring clips that hold it on can be a little **** to get away so have a swear jar to hand 🤣
  9. Aye you are right there mate and they don't even want cash anymore it's can you transfer me 20quid and not even a please or thanks 🤣
  10. If you are taking the airbag off disconnect the battery and leave it for 5mins this will stop it from potentially blowing up in your face 👍
  11. Welcome to the club buddy 👍
  12. We will see mate i still have to get it rubbed down and painted but the funds have been taking a bit of a hit with life getting in the way lol 🤣, just had to spend on my daily £170 for front discs and pads and an abs sensor 😡, at least i can do myself i suppose so that saved a wee bit and with it being a mild winter so far i'm not making much on standby because the gritters aren't out much so the steering wheel attendants aren't getting a chance to break them, also ment to say I'll be painting inside the skins of the arches and sills with stuff called black knight which is a rust inhibitor it goes on white and turns black the blacksmiths use it on bridge's and the gritters to stop corrosion so if it's good enough to stop a bridge falling down i'm sure it'l be good enough for the scoob 😂, hows your motor going Ross
  13. Yeah the boy thats doing the welding said it wasn't that bad aswell he even went as far as saying he could fix it with his eye's shut 😂, i've already got the boot stripped out bud and all looks good inside so hopefully all goes well and we don't find any more rot as we go 👍
  14. Got the panels ordered yesterday so should be here monday then hopefully the blacksmith can get on with it quite soon and it'l actually feel like i'm getting somewhere with it 👍
  15. Not sure if this is any good https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cardiagn.com/2010-subaru-legacy-outback-electrical-wiring-diagram/&ved=2ahUKEwjsmabMpY3nAhW0QRUIHUX5AD8QFjAKegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0rFQKP2vx4-qpmHQBf8B5b
  16. The noise could also be the injectors, i can hear them ticking away slightly on my wrx
  17. Thanks for the reply bud but i've decided to just run with my v1 and go with the original plan of new arches and sills then a re-spray 👍
  18. Haha tadger not heard that one for a while, another good one is wallaper as in that fella is a right wallaper 🤣🤣, got to love the scottish slang cannae beat it 👍
  19. Stay away from the drivetec stuff its just cheap rubbish their brake pads are super hard and end up breaking up after a while, i think bendix are not bad they have been on the go a long time, but do you really want to be tight when it comes to brakes 👍
  20. Rear bumper off this morning and all looks good all the metal is solid and not much sign of rust which is good, the blacksmith who is doing the welding seems to be quite happy so now its time to order the panels i'm going to get them from that place on facebook automotive repair panels as they seem to get a good rep 👍👍
  21. Need a wee bit advice folks, as some of you will be aware the arches and sills are badly needing done on my v1 wrx however i have found a clean v2 wrx with a goosed engine and i'm wondering how hard/easy it would be to transplant my v1 engine and mapped ecu in to the donor shell, cheers 👍👍
  22. You will get continuity down wires even if they are just hanging by a thread, you will be better off testing the resistance down the wires and if any of them show a high resistance thats what the fault could be but i would also see about getting an oe sensor and trying that bud 👍
  23. What other info did you get with the o2 fault e.g open circuit or short to ground etc as it could be wiring also was it a genuine sensor or a copy part coz a few folk on here have had trouble with non oe sensors 👍
  24. They may have done away with that 2nd cat on the later model as that 1st cat is enough to keep the emissions down
  25. Thats all one pipe in that pic mate rather than having it in 2 sections if you know what i mean, as i've said before i'm not too clued up on the newage stuff but if it's the same shape as yours i would think it should fit
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