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Everything posted by stuartie

  1. Yeah you can still pay on the gate pal 👍
  2. Its the 14th/15th buddy, would be good to see the freshly done motor coz its looking smart you've done well 👍
  3. Thats looking mint mate 👍
  4. Aye what happens is you get a briefing before you go out then you get 5 laps in the type r with an instructor telling you what gear to be in for each corner and what line to take and when to turn in for the apex and he/she will mark you on all those things then you go out in another type r with the instructor driving and they'll show you what happens if you go in too fast and stuff like that then its in to the single seater for 10 laps then a debrief at the end where they go through your driving and how you got on but i missed that bit as i was doing my extra laps, we were there for a good few hours coz there were loads of folk there 👍
  5. You have to do it mate, the single seaters were awesome they have a 1.8 audi engine in them with a 4 speed manual box, i got lucky coz my mrs paid for on board video and the boy forgot to put the camera on the car so i got to go out twice 👍
  6. Yeah i have already prepared my self for the hidden tin worm buddy but at least I'll be keeping another classic on the road and it's good to see you're doing the same 👍
  7. I feel your pain mate mines are the same but this winter they getting cut out and replaced, going to buy repair panels from that place on facebook and the blacksmiths at work are going to weld them in for me as they'll do a better job of it than myself 👍
  8. The heater matrix could be blocked bud, when i flushed mine i also took the two hoses that go through bulkhead off and ran the garden hose through it some amount of s**t came out, could be worth a try 👍
  9. Thats true mate but i've seen the stick vtec gets on here lol, tbh its a no bad motor really however to me the i-vtec just changes the engine note and not much else haha 🤣, i must just be used to the boost of the v1 wrx 😁, you'll love the touring cars bud they sound amazing proper loud, i was up there a couple of weeks ago doing a track day in the single seat formula car, was one of the best days i've had on four wheels, will catch up with you there if you want and can have a cuppa and watch some cars flat out, the cichane is one of the best places to watch coz of its dry they hit the big sausage kerb and go up on two wheels for a good few metres its pretty impresive 👍
  10. I'll be there with the mrs bud, going both days as we do every year but won't have the scoob with me unfortunately as need to do the arches they ain't looking too good not holed or anything but still you know what i mean, will be in my new to me daily a fn2 type r ( ducks for cover 🙉) haha, would still be happy to meet up with you on the saturday and have a wee boggle of your motor and a blether pal 👍
  11. It could be a diesel pre-filter as some manufacturers fit them around the fuel tank area, the pre filter is usually there as a water separater to trap any moisture in the fuel before it gets up to the main fuel filter at the engine, however having no experience with the boxer diesel thats just a guess as to what it could be 👍
  12. Looking !Removed! good buddy will be stunning when its all finished, hope mines looks as good as that once i get round to it this winter 👍
  13. What kind of spark plugs did the garage fit as with modded scoobs running more than stock boost should be running pfr7b, these plugs provide a stronger spark which reduces the chances of the higher boost blowing the spark out
  14. Sorry for late reply mate had stuff on, i could maybe fire down on Saturday and have a wee look at the motor for you if you want, could meet around the Carlisle area as that would be about half way, it takes me around an hour to get to Carlisle aswell 👍
  15. Where about in cumbria are you as i'm in the Scottish borders about 50mile from carlisle and i could take a look at it for you, i'm no expert on the scoobs but have picked up a few things along the way and i'm an hgv mechanic, a turbo system works the same on a truck as it would a scoob or any other vehicle 👍
  16. Looking good mate so good to see another classic being brought back from the brink 👍 especially as everyone and their dog is breaking them, my arches have gone aswell so this year I'll be cutting them out and welding in new panels then off to paint shop for a full spray over keeping the same colour
  17. Try luke at importcarparts bud he should be able to help 👍👍
  18. I'm not really up to date with the newage stuff mate but i think most folk just get it mapped out coz like you say it's the cheapest option 😎👍
  19. I can't make it unfortunately as i've got the kids, normally i would just come up with my wee lad but he been misbehaving at school so as a punishment he no getting out in the scoob as well as other things, hope you's have a good time though and hopefully we can all have a wee meet and drive at some point 😎👍
  20. Thats fair enough pal, i would be up for going to crail not been there in years but would have to check if i have the kids or not that weekend 😎👍
  21. You're more than welcome to come along tomorrow if you like mate, i've just been thinking that theres a race weekend going on at knockhill so could go there, be good to see the legends and the mini's going for it 😎👍
  22. The fella that mapped my car said that tesco 99 has alot of ethanol in it to bring the octane level up where as shell put different additives in there's which keeps the octane level up for longer but the ethanol in tesco fuel evaporates off over time, my motor goes off the road for winter because of all the salt they chuck down up here, mapper said they both as good as each other if used every day but if the motor going to be left sitting a while to put in v power as when coming to start again the octane level will still be much the same 😎👍
  23. We meeting around 11--11.30 at forth road bridge at the burger king then head up st Andrews way, i thought there might of been a bit more interest aswell but folk might have other things on, would like to maybe try get a monthly meet or something like that going 😎👍
  24. A wee update i finally got hold of my mate and he saying Sunday for a bit of a boost about if anyone can make it , probs be meeting about lunchtime then sort out where we all want to go from there 😎👍
  25. Thats dull mate poor little mini 😥, this boy just doesn't care or give a feck he thought it was funny but like i said to him all laughing aside he could have really hurt someone if they had been down the pit, if it was me i would of gutted 😎👍
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