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No one you start a heist the leader has to stay leader as he's paid the entrance fee for the mission. But you could start your heist as leader and still do mine and yours.

The idea is the leader takes the lions share of the heist money to recover the costs, I'm not fussed I just want to unlock the stuff you can get, not worried about money

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Not really except you get to choose who does what, if you're playing with friends it's no issue, if you're playing with randoms online it's useful to maintain control and you can keep some extra money, most people online give 10% to each player and keep the rest for themselves. I think though that you unlock everything whether your the leader or the cannon fodder.

I only offered to be leader so you lot didn't have to stump up the $40k entry fee. Plus it means you can't really moan at me if say for example I crashed a plane whilst just flying to somewhere to land. As I've stumped up the cash upfront [emoji6]

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Thats fine it's going on you tube anyway lol. Depending how quick I get done here and few small jobs to do might be on in an hour an half but more just for practice not played it for a while felt a bit rusty.


Fine but my wife might have something to say if I spend all evening on it, I'm on now for an hour till she gets home

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Hopefully gambit and Reaburn will be on too and we'll have a full crew. And I'll try not to crash the plane [emoji6]

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I'll be on shortly if I can took me 20mins erlyer to get on and got kicked twice so Internet was short lived



I got collared....Wedding talk as soon as I walked through the door so that's me off until later. [emoji20] She probably feels the same about me and the car though.


I'll be on shortly if I can took me 20mins erlyer to get on and got kicked twice so Internet was short lived


Might be the servers as I got kicked a couple of times when I was on

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You missed the Starwars reference then?

My doesn't speak to me now, not since I married my wife who she didn't like, and we got married in the Arctic circle in winter, and my mum hates flying, tunnels, bridges, boats and the cold.

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Oh the Han solo I got it now :) Didn't speak with mine for more than 7 years even now it's strained at best lol.but leave them to it their problem not mine :) 


I think I'm in same boat, I see them twice a year at most and only because I make the effort.

On a lighter note, I'm just going to watch stargazing live then I'll be on to do that !Removed! heist [emoji39]

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My parents live 30 mile away, but it's too far for them too come see me apparently.

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lol mine lives less than 2 minutes away I kid you not I can go weeks without seeing her :) I'd have a guess once my house sells now it's on the market :( I'll see a whole lot less :) 


Anyway boring subject... So Star Wars 



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