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Boost gauge lights up,no movement on gauge when I took it for a run?Have I put the t piece in the wrong place?I put it where number 2 is?




I think so, I was told to take it from as close to the manifold as possible, I cut the vac hose that runs from the manifold to the boost soliniod. And inserted there. I'll see if I have a pic

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I can't highlight the area I'm afraid but if you zoom in to the left of the coil pack underneath the ht leads you'll see the t piece where I plumbed mine in

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Yeah that's for the sti's to attach their factory fitted boost gauge [emoji6]

You should be able to take a ignition live from the back of the ciggy lighter and the "lights on" power from the light on the ashtray/ciggy lighter suround

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Right i'll try that in the morning then.Ive got the 12v red from the single connector on the ciggy lighter,and found a ground(black)on the back of the lighter block(but lights on gauge on all time)so i'll try the surround like you say.Would you say splice into the wires or connector blocks or ?Cheers


Space is tight but I found the clips at maplins there called something else their.So collect tomorrow from store.So thanks for that stants :)


think the joiners are called "scotch blocks" normally blue in colour . Do you know if the oil temp gauge is electrical ir mechanical ?

Does it have wires on the oil temp sender (bit that goes in the bung with a hole in)

Or do you have a pipe that has to go all the way from oil temp sender to oil temp gauge ?

Have you got 3 other wires the same on all gauges ?

If so think they should be

Earth... either fit this to a earthed bit of metal behind the dash or scotch block it to another earth

Live ... find something that only works with the ignition (ciggy lighter ) on and "scotch" into that

Lights .... "scotch" into something that only works when you turn the lights on .

On my preface classics I used the light around the ciggy lighter .

If you get stuck stu give me a text bud


Cant !Removed! wait.....More grief off the missus tomorrow then....Or i might leave it till tue or wed when shes at work :lol:

Gotta say those clips are great! The oil gauges came with 3 extra wires which fit on the back(as well as black/red)no pipe as such,but senders as well.And ive got that "stants" kit.The black/red on the other 2 gauges-can i daisy them onto the boost which is working??instead of running down to the ciggy lighter?Cheers all for the help-You must think im Thick :lol:


No mate not at all, I don't know the 1st thing about electrics so I wasn't confident about hacking into the loom. I got a piggyback live from the fuse box found a spare switch taped up under the dash for my ignition live figured it hadn't been used for 17 years so I didn't need it now and the earth and other one I took my time. My instructions were all in Japanese which was fun.

Tell your misses to muck in she'll have smaller hands to get into the tight spaces [emoji16] have you decided to put the brass bung under the alternator or on top of not cylinder?

Not sure about daisy chaining as I can't do it on mine, I guess you just link the live and negative


I would've thought so as the ciggy lighter would have a higher rate fuse in it's circuit .

I haven't had any issues with mine but I've only got one gauge running.

Keep a spare fuse or two in the glove box or Just don't use your ciggy lighter at night[emoji39]

Sounds like they're electronic sensors by the description, I didn't take any specific pics when I fitted my sensors

First pic shows oe oil pressure sensor and bung for oil temp

The oil pressure is behind the alternator (on cars without ac) just remove the belt ,loosen the alternator and swing it out of the way .

Remove the plug and undo the top brass bit (not the nut with the hole in) fit the new sensor and run the wires back to the gauge .

You can just see the silver oil temp bung behind the black pipe and gold vertical bolt in first pic . The bung is a pita to get out so removing as much as possible to gain better access is best ,Mabey do this when you upgrade your turbo as most of the bits will be out of the way [emoji6]

Second pic shows both electric sensors fitted but note the brass bung with the hole in (from stants kit) is fitted first and the electronic temp sensor (with a white wire attached to it ) is fitted into the brass bung with the hole in

Dunno if that makes sense but best of luck bud [emoji4]



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Major problems :angry: Was connecting the other gauges up(ground/live) ,lost power to cigarette lighter,(doesn't light up)bulbs fine.Lost rear and front fog lamps as well,the little light on the switches doesn't even light up.Checked fuses inside car all seem fine and replaced the ciggy one with a new one and still the same.And Battery is on its way out,....so off to get another one! Any help on the fog lights would be great..Dont hear the relay click when I push the fog light switch.Checked fuses under bonnet as well.What the F**k have I done???


You manage to knock the parking light switch on the steering clounm into half on half off position ?


Do the fogs only work with the main lights on ?

my scoob hasn't got any fogs so i don't know but my vans fogs don't work with just the sidelights you have to have the headlights on


Parking light is off,fogs only work with main lights on-but they don't work switches don't even light up...And number plate lights are out as well..Cant figure it out as fuses are fine..New Battery just fitted.£60 lighter!


Have you tried to take the wiring off what you have tapped into mate. Have you got a multimeter to test if any power is getting to the switch. [emoji20]

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