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Not long as far as I'm aware, heard it's not great but probably worth it for free.

I'm still trying to complete the heists on GTA

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I haven't even done one. [emoji17]


We have a crew and we're always one short. Why not join in with us? We're on Xbone. It'd help us all if you could join.

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I'll be in at 9pm, wife says she will relinquish the controller then, she's on Dragon Age at the minute [emoji4]

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Hay hay I said nothing about free.... sexual favours then we're talking business [emoji3]


Been playing fast and furious horizon 2... Great fun .

Speaking of ps4, my mates are trying to get me to buy one to play bloodborne... Good game but not buying one just for that lol.


Yeah completed lords of the fallen, good game but wasn't anywhere near as refined as dark souls... btw Dark Souls 2 is out on xbox one this week ;). One of the hardest games I've played, the game comes with all the dlc for something like £35!


Yup it's on my list but I just got borderlands. Lotf you're right wasn't as great but I have good fun on it. You can see the copy pasta that keeps happening now.


Only reason I've got the Ps4 at the minute is for 2 games.


Last of us



And Uncharted 4 when it comes out. Hence why I've not bought it outright and did a layby on one £52 deposit just pay the rest off as and when as long as it's more than £32 a fortnight. I'd have probably bought one but four new tyres ate into anything I had :( 



Managed to join a hang who played last heist right through, was really good fun, reminded me a bit of the bank job in Heat. We need to do these [emoji38]

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Hoping that Gambit will get his internet sorted and we can do the missions, the one we're on now apparently is one of the best ones.

The one I did last night, unlocked the KERS motorbike which is great fun (basically nitrous boost).

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Just had a phone call from the complaints depertment 1st of April now :( Starting to think going to be an April fools going on after all this. :(

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